Chapter 7- Little trees and broken promises

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A/N: Y/N's class schedule and who is in the class
1st/Homeroom: Home Economics with David
2nd: History with Johnny, Bobby, Tommy, Jimmy, Dutch, and Daniel
3rd: Math with Bobby
4th: Science with Tommy
5th: Woodshop with Dutch
6th: English with Johnny
7th: Latin with Jimmy
Y/N walked out of her apartment and went next door, knocking on the door. The door opened to reveal Daniel standing there, a giant gash on his forehead. "Oh my god, Daniel! What happened?" Y/N gasped, putting her hands on his face and examining the cut. "I-I fell off my bike and hit my head." He lied. Y/N dropped her hands from his face and crossed her arms over her chest. "I'm sure that's what you told your mom but I want the truth."

Daniel sighed. "I was riding home on my bike after you left the restaurant and those Cobra Kai's came out of nowhere on their motorcycles, taunting me. Then they pushed me off of the road and I fell down a hill. My bike broke too." He explained, looking down embarrassed. Y/N took in a few deep breathes, trying to calm herself down. The anger she felt in herself was rising. She took a deep breath before speaking again. "They did what?!"

Y/N rode her bike as fast as possible, getting to the school quickly. She was fuming. She trusted them. They promised to leave Daniel alone and they go and do something like this? She was going to give them an earful. She got off her bike and locked it in place before surveying the parking lot. Her eyes landed on the group who were smiling and laughing, acting like nothing was wrong but boy were they in for a treat.

Y/N stormed up to the group, Johnny being the first to notice her. His eyes lit up when he saw her, not noticing the very pissed-off look on her face. "It's our princess," Johnny said with a smile, getting the other boy's attention. They all smiled at her as well but she just glared. "Don't call me princess." She spat angrily. "Woah what's your deal?" Johnny asked, putting his hands up defensively. "What's my deal? What's MY deal?! YOU PUSHED DANIEL DOWN A HILL!" She yelled, her eyes burning with anger.

The boys looked down embarrassed. They all liked Y/N, they cared about her and it hurt to have her be angry with them. Especially over something that seemed so trivial. "Princess I-" Johnny started but Y/N held her hand up. "Don't call me that! I thought you changed. I thought you all did but I guess I was wrong." She said before turning on her heel and walking away. Johnny went to grab her wrist but she snatched it out of his grasp. "Don't touch me. I'm disappointed in you Johnny. I thought I could trust you but I guess not. See you around."

Johnny just stood there speechless, not knowing what to say. Y/N scoffed and walked away leaving the group of boys to watch her sadly. "We really messed up." Bobby sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Yeah, we did. We really did." Johnny agreed.

Y/N was miserable all day. She enjoyed spending time with the Cobras, maybe one of them more than the others and she was upset that they did something like this. Throughout her classes, depending on who was in each class, one of the boys tried to get her attention but she always ignored them. In history, the five of them would throw papers at her, in math, Bobby would tap her with his pencil, in science Tommy would write on her paper in woodshop, Dutch would kick her chair, in English, Johnny would keep touching her and in Latin, Jimmy would poke her. The only class she didn't have them in was Home Ec but David was in that class so it wasn't much of an upgrade.

After school was over, she rode her bike home, the feeling of melancholy surrounding her. She felt silly for being angry with them but at the same time, they did break a promise so she felt justified. She pulled into her apartment complex just as Daniel was getting off the school bus. "Hey, Daniel." She greeted. "Oh hey Y/N." He replied. The two walked into the complex chatting when Daniel suddenly stopped, staring at something confused. Y/N followed his gaze to see Daniel's bike fixed, sitting on the top of the stairs. The two exchanged a look, both of them realizing who fixed it.

The two of them walked to the green doors where the maintenance man was and walked in, stopping in front of the screen door. "Hey did you fix my bike?" Daniel asked. "Hai." The man replied as he trimmed a little tree. "Thank you," Daniel said. "Welcome."

"Are those real trees?" Y/N asked, mesmerized by how delicately the man handled the tree. "You like to see. Come inside." The man stated. Y/N and Daniel looked at each other before pushing open the door. "How did they get so small?" Daniel asked. "I trim." The man replied, his eyes never leaving the tree. "Clip here. Trim here. Tie here."

"Where'd you learn that?" Daniel questioned, fiddling with a branch of another tree. "Okinawa." The man corrected. "Where's that?" Y/N inquired. "My country."

The man stuck out his hand, trying to indicate where it was like a map. "Uh, China, here. Japan, here. Okinawa here." He explained. "Did you go to school for this?" Daniel asked. "Father teach."

"Was he a gardener?"



Y/N examined the plants. "These are really beautiful." She complimented. They really were. She wouldn't even know how to take care of something so delicate and beautiful. "Come. You try." The man said, leading Daniel and Y/N over to a table where two little trees sat. "Na I don't know how to do this stuff." Daniel protested. "Sit down." The man instructed. "No, no, I may mess it up. I don't want to mess it up." Daniel insisted."Close eye."

Y/N and Daniel just stared at the man blankly. "Trust." He stated. The two closed their eyes. "Concentrate. Think only tree. Make a perfect picture down to last pine needle. Wipe your mind clean everything but tree. Nothing exists whole world. Only tree. You got it? Open eye."

Daniel and Y/N's eyes fluttered open. "Remember picture?" The man asked. The two nodded. "Make like picture." The man instructed, pointing to the two trees. The two hesitantly picked up a pair of clippers and stared at their trees unsure. "Just trust picture." The man stated. "But how do I know my picture is the right one?" Daniel asked. "If it come from inside you, always right one." The man replied. Y/N smiled at his words. She liked that.

The three of them sat in silence trimming their trees, not noticing that they were there for hours. A knock was heard at the screen door and the three looked up to see Lucille standing there with a smile. Y/N eyes winded. If Lucille was home, that meant her mom was probably home. They got off at around the same time. Y/N looked at her watch to see it was nearly 9:30.

"I didn't even realize the time. I've gotta go before my mom freaks out but thank you so much." Y/N stated frantically. The man nodded and walked over to a tree. He picked it up and handed it to Y/N. "Give to mother." He insisted. Y/N took the tree graciously and walked out of the room, smiling. She was definitely going to visit him again.
A/N: I love Mr. Miyagi and I can't wait to write more of him. Also the dramaaa!!! Don't worry, she can't stay mad at her boys too long ;)

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