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𝑳𝒖𝒄𝒂 𝒑𝒐𝒗

3 weeks later...

I sit in the kitchen before hearing footsteps coming down.

My eyes move to Odina as she had a lace bodysuit and black jeans with a coat over. She's got be fucking serious.

"Change." I speak as soon as she steps into the kitchen with me and some of my men.

"What." She laughs.

"Change." I threaten.

She'll be getting eyed at her chest all dinner if she walks out like that.

She just nods but I know she's annoyed.

"How have you not fell for her ?" One of my guys state and I laugh finishing my drink.

"I will never fall in love for a women." I admit.

"And Marice?"

Even if I did love her. It's no ones business other then mines and hers. She compacts my mind and it makes my head spin. I forget about her while being with the little spoiled princess.

"Another stripper." I say calmly and they stay quiet.

"She doesn't look fifteen anymore." He keeps going.

I look up the stairs to see Odina come downstairs with a long sleeved turtle neck that hugged her breasts.

They were tucked into her jeans showing her curves.

She really isn't fifteen anymore.

She's evolved...in many ways then one... she's grown taller as well 5'8 now I think?

Her thighs have become much thicker and her ass grown fatter. And her breasts have definitely changed for the better. She's more full in parts. And I remember a time where she was crying and throwing her clothes because she complained she was gaining weight. She's so insecure. She hides it but I see how she stares at herself in the mirror.

Even though she's perfect. She fits perfectly into my hands.

"Definitely not seventeen anymore." I whisper to myself eyeing her up and down.  

She still has the coat over her shoulders and I stand up putting my hand out for her. She doesn't smile putting her hand in mine as we make our way to the restaurant for dinner.

𝑶𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒂 𝒑𝒐𝒗

I cross my legs while eating the salad. I need to watch my food. The training helps but I don't want to lose myself.

Luca is just talking to his guys and I'm just enjoying the food. It's been a calm week.

But something feels off.

Luca's hand has rested on my thigh the entire time and I know better then to remove it.

He only shows me affection to make us look like a strong couple but in reality he sleeps with other women and does whatever he wants.

We finally all finish and Luca places his hand on my back as we stand up.

As soon as we do there's so many gun shots.

I pull out my gun and so do the rest of the guys. Everyone just evacuates but the people shooting aren't trying to aim for the innocent.

Where are they coming from.

"Try getting out." Luca whispers behind me. They kill all the men and I'm shooting at where I see the guns flying but I can't see anyone. Just blasting and my heart is racing.

Luca wraps his hand around mine and moves me through the restaurant.

I see a knife coming straight in his direction.

𝑳𝒖𝒄𝒂 𝒑𝒐𝒗

I see a knife coming sharp part shrugs by at me before feelings Odina stand in front of me. The knife goes through her stomach.

You dick.

The gun shots all of a sudden just stop then I smell smoke.

Someone wanted to kill one of us....

She turns to face me and her eyes get heavy from the smoke. I know better then to pull out the knife and let all her blood spill out.

"You're so stupid..." I state in Italian and she just smiles holding her stomach.

The air becomes thicker and I pick her up in my arms taking us out the restaurant.

I go into the limo and make the driver fucking drive.

She's holding on but I know it hurts. When I look back I see the restaurant burning.

I didn't think she'd step in front of me and risk her fucking life for me.

"Listen to my voice." I whisper and she nods as tears fall down her face. I remove my shirt and her eyes take my body before moving back into my eyes.

Her head lays on my lap and I just look at the wound. Need to take it out before it gets infected...

I slowly pull out the knife and place the cloth over the spilling blood.

Why is she losing so damn much...

"It's going to hurt." I assure and she just nods. I take a piece of string and needle before starting to stitch her....

"Wait...no it hurts." She breathes while crying.

I would give her alcohol but I can't deal with a drunk Odina.

Let alone a sober one.

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