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𝑳𝒖𝒄𝒂 𝒑𝒐𝒗

"Davina is worse then Odina. Davina isn't used to anything but Odina is handling it because she's trained to have a stronger immune system." I state looking down at Odina who has been sick for two weeks.

What the fuck is going on..:we got a nurse but nothing. It's like she's slowly dieing.

I look up at Antonio who seems more pale then Odina. He's scared. It's all over him and I'm going insane at the thought.

"She's been hallucinating Antonio. She talks about her dad, Jason. And for some reason a man named marianno I murdered."

I don't even know how she knew the name but she said how he was nicer then me or something as if she's high. 

I'm nice to her.


𝑴𝒂𝒓𝒊𝒂𝒏𝒏𝒐 𝒑𝒐𝒗

It's dark and I have no idea how I got into such a high security place but I did it. Needed to see her. I knew she was sick. And so is Odina. But I don't think I'll be able to get into Odinas room only because Luca is there.

I don't know how she was able to go back to him.

He really has her around his finger.

I just place my hand on the side of davinas face as she slowly wakes. She's thinking and looks horrible.

"Papa?..." her eyebrows furrow.

Someone gave her something in her food. I know it. Someone who doesn't like her. But for the first time...I don't think it would be Luca. Luca is waiting for her to die. For it to come naturally but he hasn't seemed to even...bother her?

"I missed you baby." I smile and so does she but her eyes are heavy.

"Don't take it off...okay?" I whisper putting a pearl braclet around her wrist with one evil eye bead. Just in case.

"When you wake up... drink this. But still act sick okay? You'll get better...but don't give it to Odina."

"So you want her to die?" She whispers and I just chuckle shaking my head no.

Odina is trained for this stuff that's why she's holding up better. But this is a kid.

"Keep the sick act...and then figure out who would be putting things into your drink okay? Make sure the person your pick would make sense."

"So a mission." She smiles and I just nod.

"Can I kill the person after?" She asks and I shake my head no.

"Just tell Odina...okay? When you know who it is. Give her this medicine and tell her who you think it would be."

They have a rat living with them or is close to them. And it's not even Luca himself...

Trying to kill my own daughter.

The medicine is beyond strong.. so I think it would work just fine. But I won't tell her how it'll make her like all the bad stuff out first before actually healing her.

"I love you...now get some rest." I whisper standing up and she pulls my arm back down.

"Are you the person watching over me like the lady said?" She asks. What lady?

"Her. I will always watch over you." I say simply and she smiles. I kiss her cheek then the top of her head before putting the small bottle into her pillow.

"I love you." She whispers closing her eyes and I just kiss her cheek once more before leaving.

𝑶𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒂 𝒑𝒐𝒗

The door creeks open as I I'm sitting up on the headboard of Lucas bed. I feel exhausted. It's the middle of the day and I can't do anything other then throw up and kisses more weight.

"Davian?" How is she out of bed.

She was screaming in pain for so many nights and would just cry. Even Luca felt bad?...

Her skin would be on fire and I'm surprised she hasn't...

I shake my head from thinking the worst.

She just closes the door and tiptoes into the room getting closer to me.

"I have a secret." She seems perfect...new almost.

"How are you?—-"

"He came." She whispers and I already know. I will never know how he gets into places. As if he's a ninja..

"And I've been faking my sick for two days. But I found out who had been hurting us Odina."

I thought it was flue or something.

"Do you see that?" She points at my water on the table and I nod.

"Someone's putting things into it and I know who." She whispers.

"Who?" I ask.

She hands me a small glass bottle that's half empty.

"Davina what is this?!" I try not yelling.

"Medicine he gave me. It works even if you'll throw up a lot. "

"Davian I don't think...."

I have never seen this.

"Trust me Odina. " she cheeses and I just nod.

She pulls my arms down to her height and I place my ear near her head so she tells me the huge 'secret'

My eyes widen at the name...

And I put it all together...

It makes sense.

author note: who do you think it is?

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