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author note: sorry these chapters are kind of short.

𝑶𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒂 𝒑𝒐𝒗

back in Sicily....

"You can't keep a girl hostage!" Luca yells closing the door of his office as soon as I walk in.

"It is not hostage she's an orphan somehow she knows you and all I know is that her parents burned to death!" I yell.

"She's good and beautiful and I am keeping her under my care if you like it or not—"

"You're not a mom you don't just take—"

He stops mid sentence and my heart sinks.

"Fuck you." I whisper.

"Odina." He speaks and I just shake my head before leaving the room and of course Leyah is there.

"Would it be a bad time to go in there?" She asks politely.

"No. Clearly not."

You dumb fuck.


𝑨𝒏𝒕𝒐𝒏𝒊𝒐 𝒑𝒐𝒗

"All I know is that she ordered fifteen of Lucas men outside that apartment for the girl. And hired three maids for her." I laugh knowing Odina is crazy.

I was shocked when she told me she's basically keeping an eight year old in her basement.

But I think it's a sense of void. She's always been good with kids but she can't experience actually being a mother. Even if she could she would have to try and go through even more miscarriages. That would probably cause her die so I think it's safer she stopped trying.

I would support her either choice.

"I don't know why Luca is so pissed though. Odina says he knows the girl but won't speak on it." I state and da Vinci stays quiet smart enough to not speak.

"You know don't you?" I ask and he just looks down at me since I'm laying on his chest.

"Odina should've just left the girl wherever she found her. Better for all of our sakes." He whispers as he makes circles on my stomach.

"It's a little girl she's completely harmless if anything she's more like Luca then Odina which speaks miles."

"She goes with her heart and that's what's going to get her killed."

"I went with my heart and that didn't get me killed." I state.

"Can we drop this?" He asks and I stay quiet now irritated.

I look up at him and he kisses me softly.

"I love you." He whispers and I just smile.

"I love you." I assure.

"Maybe we can have our kids one day."

I know Da Vinci is a family man but it's never crossed my mind to even marry.

"Not yet."

"The adoption process is long so we should start now."

Is he crazy?

"Not yet." I whisper closing my eyes.

"We only barely started officially being together. A little more time for peace please?" I groan and he chuckles.

𝑶𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒂 𝒑𝒐𝒗

"I'm sorry. I'm just irritated how you thought it was okay to have a girl under your name which connects to me as well!"

"You shouldn't be worried though that she would connect to you unless you're hiding something!" I push.

"I'm done with this conversation. You go ahead and take care of a kid that's not even fucking years and I will watch when your head starts to spin!" He yells.

"She will be perfectly fine." I finish the argument before leaving his office once again.

God I want to bash his head sometimes.

𝑳𝒖𝒄𝒂 𝒑𝒐𝒗

"You need to get her under control. She can't just become an adoption home." Da Vinci states.

"That girl has no files on her. I should've just killed her to holy fuck what are the fucking odds" I just cross my arms and think of what to do.

I erased every single record of her on this earth. It's as if she doesn't exist. Now Odina wants to put her in school and do all this bullshit that would get me beyond caught up.

It was just her brother. That's it. But I'm guessing the sense in that family doesn't work.

Santis. There name alone irritates me.

"What are you going to do? Kill an eight year old?"



"She ordered the men not to let me get close to the girl. Is she fucking serious?" Take a deep breathe.

"It's fine. I'll deal with it."

What the fuck am I going to do though?

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