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author note: long but I cried. You guys will hurt.

𝑶𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒂 𝒑𝒐𝒗

3 days later....

"Hey bitch." I smile standing in front of the mistress.

She's been putting different drugs in everything I've been eating for thirteen days straight....ever since those pancakes...

"Odina what are you doing?" Antonio says with wide eyes.

"Having fun." I smile.

"How are you out of the bed?!" He screams.

"My little one helped me." I compliment.

"Where is Davina?" I know he's gotten closer to her.

I knew this house was the worst decision.

"Somewhere." I smile.

She's not staying here. It'll only cause her to die. I can't do that to her.

I had to make sure though. But then it all made sense. Davina isn't in the city. Nor country. I waited for her to leave before dealing with wife number two. Knowing Luca would probably try hurting me he would go after her. But I'm a step ahead this time.

I hope her son won't be traumatized after me slitting the mother's throat.

We're under the mansion where they bring people to kill and torture. She doesn't deserve the special treatment to take her all the way to a different warehouse.

I don't know how Antonio found me though.

"Luca is down the hall torturing another man don't be stupid Odina!" He pressures.

"Okay then let him torture someone else. I'm torturing this one." I state. She's tied back. She can try. But she won't leave.

"She's been drugging me Antonio are you seriously not on my side?"

"You think I don't want her dead too? It's Luca. She's gotten under her skin of course he has some time of respect for her. " he admits.

"He doesn't care about her Antonio now shh and let's just hear her scream in pain." I state turning back around to face her.

"Please." She breathes as her tears fall.

"Please?" I laugh.

"Please what? Kill you? " I finish.

"You're a snake. And I can't believe I let you even breathe this long. First....you come here with a bitchy attitude. Have sex with my husband and even if it's to bare a child you make fun of the fact how I'm a women and can't have kids." I've never let out all my hatred for her but no one understands how much it hurts.

"You being here is a constant reminder how I'm a wife who can't have an heir you realize that?! You went far to give it to davina? A nine year old girl are you that envious Leyah?!" I try not screaming.

"Antonio what the ruck." I hear da Vinci enter the room.

"She's not going to stop." Antonio tells da Vinci.

"Odina. How are you out of bed??" Da Vinci states. I've been faking it for the past couple of days.

"She's been putting different types of crazy in my food and water. I've been hallucinating...throwing up...and feel like I was dieing." I press putting the knife to her heart.

"All you have ever done is come here and act like something when you are literally nothing. You don't benefit Luca other then opening your legs. And I can not wait to send your precious father your head. Because I know how much you mean to him as the only daughter. I wonder how your brothers would feel? Maybe I should kill them too. "

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