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author note: no they don't have feelings for each other. I hope you guys somehow see that they are both horrible people at the moment. Even da Vinci. You'll see that later though. Luca isn't good with words that's why he never tries. Odina just wants some respect and comfort. They still basically live separate lives. And for the next couple of chapters they still won't have feelings. They're doing this mostly for there mafias. They have a duty and they were literally raised to fulfill there duty to do whatever's best for there mafia.

also at the end they don't touch each other. He just plants hickies on her neck and they have long kisses. That's it. He isn't allowed to touch her in places like that yet. He's good at keeping himself together. Yet finds ways to have fun...

𝑶𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒂 𝒑𝒐𝒗

3 weeks later....

Christmas. It's been three weeks since Carlos death and everyday gets. Me and Luca have went this whole month without speaking. Other then meetings or about the mafia. No other conversations.

I don't even talk to da Vinci that much because it hurt how you knew the whole time. I feel stuck and don't know where to go.

I loved that boy with my heart and it just...broke me?

Maybe that's how Luca felt and that's why he set the whole thing up.

For me to get to know a boy for almost two months just to have him taken like that. But he knew her for years. So it was worse. Da Vinci seems to be on the outs with Luca as well.

My dress is more modest tonight. We already finished dinner and now there are gifts. There's a lot of his family and I haven't seen any of mine in so long.

People say how sick my father has gotten but I don't know if it's bad I want him gone. He's caused so much pain. And nothing more.

The santino mafia is doing so good. And calm. I'm happy though.

I wasn't even wearing makeup tonight and I've just changed into some jeans and a red tank top with a jacket over. It's already eight. The dinner I was quiet a lot. Only spoke when spoken too. That's usually how I always was. Luca didn't speak though. Barely only a couple words.

I move my hand to the cross necklace around my neck that I've been wearing more often. I don't know but I find myself going into the church instead of downstairs.

When I walk in I see Luca sitting in the front row looking up at the large cross.

I know he hears me as I walk down the alley and sit next to him.

He's just in black sweats and black shirt and he looks so..hot but..I wish his personality was better.

I just want him to be a little more open with me. I don't expect much but...it would be better if we tried?

"Even a demon wishes for things sometimes.." he breaks the silence as I just stare outside at the window looking at the stars.

"I'm a sin." He breathes.

"I think we're both sinners..to roam the earth." I'm just as bad as him. It's just because I'm young but I've killed hundreds at a young age. Some my father forced but others I did it out of pure anger or hatred. I feel like I have this demon inside me that I try pushing down but...it's going to consume me.

The difference is...Luca expresses it.

He looks over at me and I look at him.

"I'm sorry." I finally admit.

"I know I'm not your ideal Italian women. And I'm sorry for murdering Marice. I was angry. And I know how much you guys meant to each other. I would never purposely take something that made a guy like you happy." I speak and his eyes soften a little.

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