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author note: y'all finna be mad...again.

𝑶𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒂 𝒑𝒐𝒗

3 weeks later....

When I wake up I find myself reaching in the bed for Luca but it's empty.

"Luca?.." I breathe.

Why am I so used to waking up to him. I close my eyes and take a breathe before checking my phone to see it's two in the morning. What? Where the fuck would he god right now.

I find myself getting out of bed and my bodies tired. This stomach needs to go quick.

I go up to his room and he's not there. I don't want to wake up Da Vinci and there's no one downstairs. I just go back into my room and get into bed. I text him a simple 'where tf are you' message before resting my eyes again.


𝑳𝒖𝒄𝒂 𝒑𝒐𝒗

"You can't just leave in the middle of the night." She's worried.

It's seven in the morning and there was just a call our weaponry got burnt. And I know it's those fucking Americans because they never want to give me any sort of break.

"I won't." I promise.

𝑶𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒂 𝒑𝒐𝒗

"So you were only handling buisness?" I ask and he nods.

"Nothing else." He assures me and I guess I need to take his word for it.

"You can go back to sleep now." He suggests and I roll my eyes closing my eyes again. It's cold.

𝑳𝒖𝒄𝒂 𝒑𝒐𝒗

When I wake up again it's to the sound of Odina's voice. How much did I sleep in...

"Luca..." She whisper.

"Yes baby." I breathe still half asleep.

"Luca." She states again and I open my eyes to look over at her. Her tears are falling while holding her stomach.

"What?" No.

I think her water broke already?

"You're too early. Too fucking early..."

Please don't miscarry.


"Luca just get out I'm fine." She pushes as I'm having everyone tell me to leave yet she's being fucking drained.

"Just push and don't die." I state and she closes her eyes I know irritated of me.

I can hear them start having a conversation in Italian as if I'm not right here.

'Losing too much blood but the man won't leave'

I hear one mutter under there breathe and I make sure to remember the face just so he's dead later tonight.

"Baby." I whisper placing my hands on her face.

Why isn't she fucking responding.

"You need to get out." The doctor asks for the hundredth team fuck he's annoying me.

"You have one job. Don't kill her or the kid I don't care if there's no choice. I will put fifteen bullets through your fucking head if any one of them ends up dead. I don't care if your a women with kids or not I have a wife and I need my kid. So please." I threaten in Italian and she stays quiet as if she's going to cry.

Such bitches.

I look back down at her and she looks so drained.

"Princess...come on. How the fuck am I going to raise a kid by myself. It needs milk and I'm not the one with breasts." I'm panicking?

I know I always threatens to kill her but I don't mean it.

"I love you... I swear I do. I have for so long. So just don't die. Please." I think I feel my eyes burning as tears just fall.

Why isn't she talking?

Then I just hear loud annoying cries. When I look over it's the baby and I can't help but smile.

"You need to leave." Another nurse says. Why is there so many beeping sound on the heart monitor.

"What no."

"She won't make it if you stay. I know she's your wife but you need to leave." She says. They have a point and I turn myself leaving the room.

"Can I hold him?" Where the fuck did they take the kid.

"We just need to check him..." the explain.

"For what?"

"She was suppose to miscarry. The labor wasn't safe and she lost too much blood. We can't have the. Bag being exposed yet. Just give us time."

So she was suppose to have another miscarriage?

"You'll see both of them but you need to calm down and just wait." She explains before leaving.

What the fuck.

I know I didn't fuck her everyday for months just to lose another child.

2 days later...

I hold the boy in my hands and he looks like me. Clearly. Hopefully he has his moms patience though. He's perfectly fine. I don't know about Odina. They've been pumping fluids and even blood into her.

"You can see her." One of the nurse says with terror in her eyes. I know I caused a little bit of a scene.

I just nod and walk into Odina playing with the wrist band. She looks so pale and slim.

"Hi." I break the silence sitting next to her in the chair and she smiles looking at the baby.

𝑶𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒂 𝒑𝒐𝒗

"Hi baby." I smile taking the boy into my hands. I just feel my tears fall holding him. He sadly looks like his father. But his hair is a dark brown almost black but not yet.

"Seem healthier then me." I laugh.

"Thought I'd be the only one sucking on—" I snap my head at Luca to stop talking. He can't seriously be jealous?

"I can't breastfeed him huh?" I ask and he shrugs.

"You can. I think. I don't know this stuff ask the nurse." He groans and I just keep my laugh to myself.

"Tell me you didn't name him yet." I push.

"No. I know you would've killed me." He smiles and so do I.

He places his hand on the side of my face and kisses me softly.

"Do you feel okay?"

"Yeah...hurt weak a little but I'll be fine in a couple of days." I assure and he nods.

I know what he said. I heard him but I can't believe the words. And I'm not ready for all of it.

"Luca..." I speak.

"Why isn't he breathing." I whisper.


"What do you mean not breathing." He says.

"He's not breathing." I repeat.

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