Chapter One

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Demetri was feeling stressed and exhausted after spending a month living with the Cullens at the request of the Kings. He hunted before boarding a plane back to Volterra looking forward to resting during the ten-hour flight.

He was busy blocking out the noise around him and didn't notice the human girl sit beside him until the scent of 'apple and cinnamon' hit his nose; a second scent of 'lemon and honey' also caught his attention. He opened his eyes and glanced to his left to see a human girl with brown hair and green eyes and in her lap was a baby that had the same hair and eye colour. "Sorry if we woke you" She gave him a small smile "It's ok, I wasn't asleep" He replied with a small smile of his own; she nodded in response "As it's a night flight I'm hoping she sleeps for most of it, so hopefully she won't disturb you too much" The girl added before turning her attention to the cabin crew who were starting the safety demonstration.

About five hours into the flight a child started screaming and crying and Demetri noticed it wasn't the baby sitting next to him, in fact the irritating noise was coming from a few rows in front. "Sshh...sshh, it's ok baby" He heard the girl next to him say softly to her baby as she tried to soothe her after she was woken up by the other child "Looks like she's better behaved than that other child" Demetri said low to the girl "She's younger and still sleeps quite a bit although I'll doubt she'll settle again until he stops creating" She replied low, sounding a little irritated and he nodded and she noticed the sympathetic look on his face "Anything I can do to help?" He asked "Yes...err...would you be ok to hold her whilst I pop to the bathroom quickly?" She replied "Of course, although I'm not quite sure how to hold a baby" He chuckled low "It's ok, I'll show you, just ensure to support her head" She said as she passed him the baby ensuring her head was supported by his forearm, she watched as her daughter shifted a little in his arms although she still whimpered a little, not happy that she'd been so rudely woken up. Sophie returned from the bathroom to see him gently rocking her daughter and singing low in a language she didn't recognise, but it was working as her daughter's eyes fluttered closed. "Thank you, you're a natural" Sophie said low and he chuckled "I'm not so sure, all I did was sing her a lullaby in Greek that my mother used to sing to me when I was little" He replied "It's a lovely lullaby and she clearly agrees" Sophie replied looking at her sleeping daughter in his arms "I'm Sophie by the way and that's Ellie" "Demetri, nice to meet you Sophie" He replied smiling "And you too Ellie" He added looking down at the sleeping baby in his arms.

Demetri got off the plane and made his way to a little town just outside of Volterra deciding to walk around for a bit before heading back to the castle as he was still feeling a little stressed although he wasn't sure why as the flight home had been fairly uneventful; despite being sat beside the human girl and her baby. He met a blonde woman coming out of a bar and started a conversation with her; this saw him back at her apartment and in her bed, more often than not he would drain his 'companion' then dispose of her body but not this time. She had been a little drunk but was still able to consent to his company and knew what was going on around her. He left her place before she woke up and returned to the castle, not giving her another thought.

Once at the castle Demetri reported to the throne room to update the Kings on the situation with the Cullens. Aro seemed very happy with everything and dismissed him, so he returned to his room to freshen up and read a book in the comfort of his own room. Felix came by about an hour later "Hi D. How are you?" He asked as he entered his friend's room "Hi Fe, I'm ok. So glad to be home" He replied, "Didn't like your stay at the Cullen's then?" Felix asked smirking "Oh let me see. The hybrid's dog was around the place about 90% of the time, even other members of the packs kept 'popping by' for a visit. Then there's Edward poking around in my head reading my thoughts and then judging me if he didn't like them. Then there's Rosalie who constantly glared at me; growled at me if I stood too close to the child, despite the fact the child seeked me out some of the time. Alice is so happy all the damn time and bouncing all over the place; not to mention watching every decision the family makes, she even watched my decisions a few times but I'm guessing they were not very interesting to her. I mean like seriously I don't get how Esme and Carlisle put up a with a house full of immortal teenagers. I'd go crazy if I had to deal with teenagers forever" He answered his friend "So that explains why you seem stressed" Felix pointed out, a smile tugging at his lips, Demetri just growled in response "Good flight home though?" "Yes, Fe the flight home was good" Demetri answered.

A few weeks later Demetri was out for a walk one evening to clear his head following two trials which resulted in the dismemberments of a few rogues who were found hunting in Volterra, when he felt a pull, a tenor reaching out to him, so he followed this trail out of curiosity and found himself at the apartment of his recent 'companion.' Upon entering the apartment, he noticed the tenor calling out to him was stronger than any he'd felt before and it didn't belong to the female. He made his way to the bedroom and the sight before him shocked him; there lying in the bed was the blonde woman who had died very recently if the pool of fresh blood around her was any indication. He noticed she had given birth recently for a baby boy lie beside her, who looked up at him the moment he walked into the room. Demetri realised then the pull he felt came from the baby and it was the baby's tenor he could feel; the tenor felt familiar, like he had known the boy his entire life. The baby reached out to him and without thinking Demetri picked him up, holding him to his chest and wrapping his cloak around him. Demetri breathed in the baby's scent 'sandalwood and mint' as the boy snuggled into him and that's when it hit him the baby was his and the mother had died during childbirth.

Heidi answered her phone on the second ring "Heidi, it's Demetri. I need your help" "Demetri, you ok? You seem anxious" "I'll explain when you get here. Please come alone and don't tell anyone where you are going" He replied "Ok. See you soon" Heidi said before ending the call. Fifteen minutes later Heidi enters the apartment to find Demetri seated on a sofa holding a baby to his chest. "Demetri, what's going on? Why are you holding a baby?" "I er...the baby is mine...his mother didn't survive" He answered low and nodded his head towards the bedroom "O-ok. One thing at time. How did you know about the baby?" She replied "I didn't know she was...pregnant. I arrived after she had died. Th-the baby reached out to me, I could feel his tenor calling out to me and pulling me towards this place" "What do you want to do about her? We can't really leave her here; the human authorities will be on the lookout for a missing baby" Heidi asked "I'm taking my son home with me no matter what. He's mine" He replied holding him closer "That was never in question Dem. Do you want me to dispose of her whilst you wait here, or did you want to meet me back at the castle?" "If you could take care of her that would be great and I'll wait for you in the alleyway next to the church" He responded as he wrapped his son in a blanket before re-wrapping his cloak around him "Ok then, now we have a plan. I will see you there."

Heidi cleaned up the bedroom disposing of the bloodied bed linen. She cleaned up the human the best she could, redressing her in the process. She then emptied the wardrobe of the clothes and shoved them into a suitcase and left the apartment. Heidi left the suitcase of clothes outside the local homeless shelter with a note 'A donation for the shelter' and threw the body into a dumpster near the shelter knowing that it wouldn't draw much attention if it was found before it was emptied due to the area. She didn't tell Demetri how she disposed of the body and he never asked.

Heidi met Demetri in the alleyway next to the church "You ok? Do you need anything?" She asked "I'll need help with looking after him initially as I have no idea how to look after a baby. Not to mention I have to tell the masters and hope they accept my son" He replied "I'll help you the best I can with your son and don't worry about the masters, they'll accept him as he's yours. Let's face it he's bound to be gifted Dem and in seven years he'll be fully grown like the other hybrid we met back in Forks" She replied smiling "I'm guessing those blue eyes of his belong to you seeing as the human had brown eyes?" "Yes, Heidi I had blue eyes back when I was human" He replied looking down at his son who had fallen asleep in his arms.

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