Chapter Twelve

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They woke up the day before Christmas Eve to see that it had snowed overnight and Sophie decided to wrap herself and the kids up and go play in the snow in the garden below their room "I need to wrap up you warm sweetie, so we can play in the snow and build snowmen" Sophie said to Nico as she wrapped a scarf around him and helped him put on gloves. Ellie was all wrapped too, even though she couldn't play in the snow. They had been outside for about half an hour when Demetri joined them "So what are my three favourite people up to?" He asked "Mummy and I are building a snowman" Nico answered before looking over at Ellie "And Ellie is eating the snow" He added chuckling "Oh hunny, don't do that" Sophie says softly but Ellie ignores her. Demetri sits beside Ellie on the blankets and lifts her onto his lap in an attempt to stop her eating the snow "I have an idea princess" He says low and scoops up some snow and shapes it into a ball before throwing it gently at Nico's back "Oi" Nico says as he turns around to look at his dad and sister "It was Ellie" Demetri replies pointing to her and Ellie just smiles and starts babbling "Of course it was daddy" Nico replies. Demetri throws one at Sophie next "I suppose Ellie threw that one too?" She asked "Nope that one was me" He smiled at her before looking down at Ellie and talking to her. Sophie and Nico threw snowballs at Demetri and as they made contact some of the snow fell onto Ellie who just laughed and tried to eat it. Sophie showed Demetri and Nico how to make snow angels and Demetri laid Ellie down in the snow and made one for her too.

After a few hours of being outside they went back to their shared room and Demetri bathed the children whilst Sophie made herself and Nico a hot chocolate, warmed a bottle of milk for Ellie and grabbed a blood bag for Demetri "So you don't feel left out" She says to Demetri as the four of them get comfortable on the sofa to watch Christmas movies. "Thank you letting me play in the snow mummy, I had fun" "I'm glad sweetie, I had fun too" Sophie replied as she pulled Nico into her so they were cuddled up "We had fun too, didn't we princess?" Demetri said and Ellie babbled a reply before yawning and snuggling into her dad for a nap.

Sophie prepared a Christmas Eve box for Nico and Ellie consisting of a new pair of pyjamas each with fluffy socks. She also bought personalised Christmas story books; one for Nico and Ellie as it's their first Christmas. Both stories feature Demetri, Sophie, Nico and Ellie, the only difference being the story itself.

Sophie gets Nico to leave out a glass of milk and some cookies for Santa and a carrot for Rudolph. "You know you're eating this stuff, right?" Demetri whispered low to Sophie so Nico couldn't hear him "You're helping too Dem" She replied. "Can we do this every year whilst Ellie grows up too?" "Of course, we can buddy" Demetri replies smiling before putting Nico in bed and reading him a story.

The following morning they wake up to see more snow has fallen overnight "I love a white Christmas Dem" "Me too, especially as I have a family to celebrate it with now" He kissed her "Merry Christmas Sophie" "Merry Christmas Dem" She replied kissing him back.

Once the children were awake and had breakfast they sat around the tree in Demetri and Sophie's room and began opening their gifts "I think someone went overboard" Sophie says looking her mate "It's their first Christmas ever, our first Christmas together and as a family. I wanted to spoil you all, so I did" He replied smiling "Thank you, it's much appreciated" She replied and Nico nodded. Nico received a trainset, building blocks, colouring books with crayons and pencils and some new clothes. Ellie received some books that were specifically for children of her age, some clothes, and a brown coloured Build-a Bear dressed as a princess, Ellie squeezed the teddy to her front and upon doing so it spoke "I love you always" She looked confused her as she heard her daddy's voice but his lips didn't move; Sophie and Nico smiled knowingly as Ellie squeezed her teddy again and it repeated "I love you always" in Demetri's voice. She looked between her teddy and Demetri before being scooped up into his arms "Yes, that's my voice in your new teddy. That way I can tell you I love you even when I am away for work" He told her softly, kissing her head "That's really sweet Dem" Sophie told him "I can call you and speak to you and Nico, I can't do that with her yet" He replied "Aww, Daddy's gone soft" Nico said teasingly, causing Sophie to laugh, Demetri growled low playfully, Ellie turned to look at him confused "Yes Ellie, daddy can growl, but never at you" He told her "Daddy hasn't gone soft buddy, trust me. It's just you three mean everything to me and I want you all to know that" He said looking between Sophie and his children. "Here buddy, this is for you too" Demetri says handing Nico a large gift, inside was a brown coloured Build-a-Bear dressed as a vampire "Give its paw a squeeze" Nico did as his dad told him and he heard Demetri's voice "I love you buddy" "Thanks daddy" Nico said giving him a big hug "You're welcome" He kissed his son's head.

Demetri opened his gifts, receiving clothes, hair products, bath bombs, a 'World's best daddy' mug from Nico and Ellie and some new crime and thriller books. Sophie opened her gifts, receiving clothes, a leather jacket, bath bombs, a 'World's best mummy' mug from Nico and Ellie as well as jewellery. Demetri handed Ellie to Nico before moving closer to Sophie "Here, you missed one" He passed her a gift bag and when she opened the little black box inside she saw a white gold diamond ring, Demetri took her hand in his "Sophie, I can't give you a big white wedding as I'm not human but I want to exchange rings with you whilst we make a promise to always love and care for one another...I'm asking if you will spend forever with me by my side as my best friend, my my wife?" He placed the engagement ring on her finger "Yes" She replied low, tears falling "You made mummy cry" Nico says as he slaps Demetri's leg "These are happy tears sweetie" Sophie assured Nico "Sorry daddy" "Don't worry buddy, I was worried there myself, I didn't expect mummy to cry either" Demetri replies and pulls Sophie onto his lap, wrapping his arms around her "I love you Dem" She kissed him "I love you too"

Everyone noticed the diamond ring on Sophie's finger as soon as they entered the family room for Secret Santa "Oh my god, look at the rock on Sophie's hand" Chelsea called out grabbing her hand "It's beautiful" Heidi added "Congratulations to you both" Aro said shaking Demetri's hand. Sophie told their friends how Demetri had proposed, including how Nico slapped him and told him off because Demetri's proposal had made her cry "Oh, he's so sweet and protective of his mummy" Jane said smiling over at Nico, who was sitting with Ellie and Alec.

Sophie received a €40 Boux Avenue gift card from her Secret Santa "You're welcome" Heidi said low, winking at her, Sophie blushed slightly. Demetri received a pair of black leather gloves and a shot glass from his Secret Santa "I hear having two kids under the age of one can be stressful" Santiago said smiling as Demetri looked at the shot glass with a confused expression "I'll bare that in mind" He replied. Jane loved the make-up Demetri got her and thanked him with a hug "You're welcome Jane" He replied low.

That night Demetri and Sophie read the children their personalised Christmas stories and tucked them into bed "Thank you for our gifts" Nico said to his parents "You're both very welcome" Demetri replied kissing them both goodnight, Sophie kissed them goodnight too and left the room. Sophie and Demetri cuddled up in bed watching another Christmas movie "Thank you for today Dem. It's been the best Christmas ever" "Thank you for today too, I think the kids had fun. It's been my best Christmas too, especially as I gained a fiancé today" He replied "Me too and the ring is gorgeous" She leant up and kissed him enjoying being held in her mate's arms. Sophie discovered from Gianna that the city has a New Year's Eve firework display every year and decided that her and Demetri were going to take Nico and Ellie to see this display. "Sophie due to my vampire hearing I'll be standing near the back otherwise my ears will be ringing and I won't enjoy the firework display" Demetri said as he got Nico ready "That's ok. The noise is likely to be loud for Ellie too, so I bought her some earmuffs" Sophie as she puts a pair of beige earmuffs on her "Maybe you should have got daddy a pair too" Nico says laughing, earning a glare from Demetri. Sophie choked back a laugh and replied "I didn't think that. Maybe I'll get him a pair for next year" "Just make sure they're black" Demetri replied with a straight face "Yes sir" Sophie called out and saluted him "Mummy thinks she's so funny" Demetri said looking between the children, a small smirk on his lips "Mummy is funny" Nico replied smiling "Little traitor" Demetri muttered and Nico just shrugged.

Once outside in the city square, they found a space amongst the crowd that ensured Sophie and Nico could see the fireworks but that wouldn't be uncomfortable for Demetri. Ellie appeared to like the colours of the fireworks, the earmuffs doing their job of muffling the loud noise, she kept tapping Demetri and pointing to the sky smiling and Demetri couldn't help smiling at her reaction, finding it rather cute "What do you think of the fireworks buddy?" "I think they're cool, the different colours and noises they make" Nico replied looking up at his dad, whilst still holding Sophie's hand "Thank you for this cara mia" Demetri said low into his mate's ear "For what?" She asked confused "For giving me the chance to experience a 'human' family life of my own, something I never got to have...obviously" He replied low kissing her cheek "I really do have the best of both worlds with you and the children" He added "I'm glad. I just want to nurture Nico's human side and for him to make as many memories as possible in his accelerated childhood, after all he's going to watch Ellie grow up at a slower rate, making memories and I don't want him missing out on anything" She replied "You really are the best mummy in the world and I'm so proud to call you my mate" He responded wrapping arm around her, holding his family close "You are the best daddy in the world and I couldn't have asked for a better mate handsome" She leant up and kissed his lips "Happy New Year" "Happy New Year Soph" He smiled at her as they continued to watch the fireworks, seeing in the New Year as a family.

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