Final Chapter

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Time Skip – Ellie at 16 years old

Once Ellie and Nico had completed their education with the Kings and their wives, Nico wanted to experience college in the human world with Ellie, but she wasn't so keen after her childhood experience in the human world. Sophie, Demetri and Ellie were sitting on the sofa in Demetri and Sophie's shared room, with Nico sitting on the chair beside them "Mum, dad, Ellie, there's something I want to talk to you about. I'd like to attend college in the human world" Nico saw shock wash over their faces "Nico, you can't be serious? You know what I went through as a child" Ellie said, not quite believing what she was hearing "I know Ellie but it was different back then, you were a child and attended school alone. This time we are grown up and we'd attend college together." He replied giving her a smile. "I have no problem with you attending college, all that I ask is that you do it together" Demetri added looking between Nico and Ellie "Will the Kings be ok with this Dem?" Sophie asked, worried "They will be ok with it as Nico and Ellie do not pose a threat to us or our secret" Demetri replied.

Nico and Ellie attended college together posing as twins; Ellie studying Art and Literature, Nico, Art and History. Both of them excelled in their studies and made a few friends whilst remaining close to one another. They had been in college for a few months when one of their mutual friends invited them to a party that weekend. "We'll let you know if we're free" Nico told their friend politely, Ellie nodded in agreement.

Later that night Felix could hear Demetri and his daughter having a disagreement about her being allowed to attend a friend's party "Come on dad, Nico's going to be there and I am older than he is" She said "I said no Ellie, you're only 17" Demetri replied "Exactly dad, I'm 17, I'm am adult and have been for a year. I only asked to be respectful. I mean I bet Nico didn't ask to go" "You may be an adult in the eyes of the law but you are my daughter and I said no..." "But dad" "But nothing. I do not want you at a party where there are boys and alcohol. End of discussion" "Arrgh I hate you" She stormed out of her parent's room entering her own and slamming the bedroom door shut behind her "Went well then?" Nico smirked, putting down his book to look at her "Bite me" She replied throwing herself onto her bed.

Demetri squeezed the bridge of his nose and counted to ten "Kids" He muttered; Felix stood in the doorway laughing "What's so funny Fe?" Demetri asked "Oh I'm just remembering a conversation we had about...17 years ago regarding 'immortal teenagers' and how you said you'd go crazy if you had to deal them for eternity. Ironic isn't it considering you now have two immortal teenagers" He chuckled "Helpful Fe" He growled and Felix held his hands up "I bet you sympathise with Carlisle and Esme now" Felix replied smiling "Get lost" Demetri growled. "Everything alright?" Sophie asked entering the room noticing Demetri looking stressed and Felix looking amused "Ellie hates me because I said she couldn't go to that party on Saturday and Felix thinks parenting immortal teenagers is funny" Demetri replied "Ellie doesn't hate you babe, she's just upset, angry maybe and she lashed out in the heat of the moment. Trust me" Sophie said as she cupped his face; she leaned forward and kissed him "Can I ask why she isn't allowed to go, seeing as Nico will be there?" Sophie asked cautiously "Because there'll be boys and alcohol and I don't want her around that...I won't be there to protect her" He answered low; Felix left the room knowing that the next part of that conversation was a private one. "Ahh...ok" Sophie said realising Demetri's reasoning "You cannot protect her from everything..." "I can and will protect her from that environment mi amore. I know Nico will be there but..." "He's not her father" She said low "Exactly, I am. I failed you...I will not fail my daughter" She cupped his cheeks pressing her lips to his "Our daughter" She corrected and he nodded resting his forehead to hers "You didn't fail me Dem, you didn't know me then remember" "I know but..." He trailed off "Maybe we should tell her why you are so protective" Sophie said softly "Then I'd have to tell her she's not mine...that I've lied to her all this time...then she'll really hate me" He sounded upset at the very thought "Ellie is yours; she always has been and always will know that" She reassured him "I think she knows that you're not biologically related given that Nico grew up quicker than she did" She added and he nodded.

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