Chapter Eleven

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December came round quickly and Sophie got excited as she loved Christmas and was looking forward to her first Christmas with Demetri and their children. "Do you celebrate Christmas Dem?" Sophie asked "Yes, we celebrate Christmas but probably not in the way that you do" He replied "What do you mean?" "We do Secret Santa every year, it was introduced by one of the secretaries a few decades back" He replied "What about a tree?" "Heidi puts one up in the family room every year. We put the gifts under the tree. How do you celebrate Christmas?" "We put up a tree every year and decorate it and place the wrapped gifts beneath it. We also put up decorations to make our homes look festive" She replied and he smiled at her "I was hoping we could celebrate Christmas this year as it's our first one together as well as Nico and Ellie's first Christmas." "That sounds like a plan cara mia. How can I help?" He asked as he stepped closer, wrapping his arms around her "We need to decide whether to get a real or fake tree and choose a colour scheme for our decorations. Then there's the shopping of Christmas gifts for the children" She answered looking up at him "What about gifts for each other?" He asked before leaning down and pressing his lips to hers "I'd like to buy you some gifts too" He kissed her again "Ok, but we have to set a limit on the money we spend on each other and the children" She replied before pulling him down for another kiss "I'm making no promises mi amore" He replied smiling and she shook her head smiling.

Following a discussion where they weighed the pros and cons of a real tree vs a fake tree, they decided to buy a fake tree. Demetri bought a large fake tree for his Sophie's room along with blue and silver decorations to match the colour scheme Sophie suggested. Sophie also hung a wreath on their door, decorated to match their tree colours. Demetri bought a smaller tree for the children's room after Nico said he liked looking at the lights on the tree of an evening, that tree also followed Sophie's colour scheme at Nico's polite request.

Sophie and Nico went shopping for gifts for Demetri and Ellie, leaving Ellie with Sulpicia and Anthenodora as Demetri was on guard duty with Felix and the twins. During their shopping trip they purchased stockings to hang on the fireplace along with some personalised tree decorations; Nico's chosen decoration was two snow people, as he called them. One wore a blue scarf and hat and the other wore a pink scarf and hat. Nico and Ellie's name were written above the snow people's hats. Sophie also bought two baubles and had them personalised too: one saying 'Nico's 1st Christmas' and the other 'Ellie's 1st Christmas'. "Nico you can't tell daddy or Ellie what gifts we have bought them ok?" Sophie asked Nico softly "I promise mummy, it'll be our secret" He replied smiling "Good boy." They made their way to a coffee shop for a short break; They had a hot chocolate and a gingerbread man each "I like the gingerbread man mummy, thank you" "You're welcome sweetie and I'm glad you like them."

Demetri returned from a shopping trip a few days later with a personalised decoration for him and Sophie; his one was a couple in winter clothes with their names written above their hats. He also bought his Secret Santa gift for Jane; a MAC make-up set along with a few gifts for Sophie and Nico.

Sophie had explained to Nico who Father Christmas was and what happens on Christmas Eve and Nico seemed really excited so Demetri decided to take Sophie and the children to Volterra's Christmas market one Saturday afternoon, knowing that Santa and his reindeer were there. "Look daddy it's Santa" Nico said excitedly "So it is" Demetri replied smiling "Now I know why you wanted to come to the market today" Sophie said low to Demetri "He seemed interested in Santa after your talk and I thought he might like to visit Santa's Grotto. I know it's a human thing as it happens here every year and I plan on bringing Ellie when she's old enough to understand about Santa" He replied as they joined the queue. Nico sat on Santa's lap "Hello, I'm Santa. What's your name and what would you like for Christmas this year?" "Hello, I'm Nico and I'd like a train set please, like the one in my story book" Nico replied with a smile "I think I can do that. Is that all you want for Christmas?" Santa replied "I'd like to ask for something for my sister Ellie too, if that's ok?" Nico asked politely and Santa nodded "Of course, what would she like?" "A new teddy bear please as she really likes them" Nico replied pointing over at Ellie "Of course I can do that. You are a very good big brother" Santa told him "Thank you and Merry Christmas Santa" Nico said as one of the Elves stepped forward and handed Nico two gifts "One for you and your sister" "Thank you Mr Elf." Demetri and Sophie couldn't help smiling at their son "He's so thoughtful and polite. I love him so much Dem" "I know, me too."

Sophie and Nico bake Christmas cookies and cupcakes in the week leading up to Christmas, Gianna liked eating the treats as the only other human in the castle. Demetri tried a cupcake and a cookie too "Daddy, look at what mummy and I made" Nico said looking at Demetri, showing him the festive treats. "Why are you eating those D?" Felix asked looking confused as he entered the kitchen "It's Christmas Felix and Sophie and Nico spent a lot of time making and decorating them so I thought I'd try one of each" He replied looking at his mate and son, whilst Ellie sat on his lap putting her fingers in the frosting and licking them "I think the little one approves" Felix says nodding at Ellie.

Demetri sat watching his mate and son start to build a gingerbread house and began to get lost in his thoughts; thinking about how much he loves Sophie and is happy she's human and that she nurtures Nico's human side. He hopes she continues to do so after her change and when even Nico's grown up, as there is plenty of time to nurture his vampire side in the future. He also felt grateful to have a daughter too, one that he can give immortally to when she's old enough. "Penny for them Demi" Sophie said smiling, pulling him from his thoughts "Hmm, oh yeah...I was just thinking how lucky I am to have Nico and to have met you and Ellie and I am looking forward to spending forever with my family" He replied smiling "Aww Dem" She replied, her eyes getting a little teary "I'm lucky that Ellie and I got to met you and Nico too and I'm also looking forward to spending forever together as a family" She stepped beside him and leant down to kiss him, Nico giggled at the sight as Demetri wrapped his arm around her waist. "I love you Dem" "I love you too."

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