Chapter Fourteen

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Sophie spoke to Demetri about celebrating Nico and Ellie's first birthdays as it is a milestone for them both and it's something humans do. "Are we celebrating Ellie's birthday first then Nico's as they are born ten weeks apart?" Demetri asked "I think we should do a little something for them both on their birthdays, especially since Nico looks older than Ellie" Sophie replied and he nodded.

Sophie organised a little get together for Ellie's first birthday, Demetri inviting Felix, the twins, the Kings, their wives and a few the guards he and Sophie got along with. Nico watched his parents planning the party and was excited as he got to attend a birthday party for the first time "I love that you and mummy are human" He told Ellie with a smile "I get to do lots of human things that I would have missed out on otherwise" Ellie smiled and babbled at him. Demetri heard Nico and couldn't help smiling, for he too was happy his mate and daughter were human.

Ellie's first birthday arrived and Demetri had spent the night before decorating the family room with a selection of pink Birthday Banners; '1st Birthday', 'Birthday Girl.' He collected the 'Happy 1st Birthday' helium balloons from one the guest rooms and placed them throughout the family room. He also placed some photos of Ellie throughout her first year around the room too, including some family photos.

Once the family room was decorated, Demetri made his way back to his room and set up the castle doll house he and Sophie got Ellie for her birthday, carefully placing a large sheet of wrapping paper over it. He then placed the stack of neatly wrapped presents around the castle. He knew Sophie would tell him he went overboard; but he didn't care this was Ellie's first birthday and he wanted to ensure she enjoyed her 'special day.' He planned to spoil Nico on his first birthday too. Finally, Demetri stuck a 'Birthday Princess' banner diagonally across the children's bedroom door, then took a seat on the sofa in his room and waited for his family to wake.

Once they were awake Demetri, Sophie sat on the floor near the present pile, Nico sitting beside Demetri and Ellie on Sophie's lap. Ellie loved the castle doll house, complete with little dolls "It's just like our castle" Nico pointed out, Demetri smiled and nodded. Nico gave Ellie a 'my first doll' which had a hard head and hands but the rest of the doll was soft.

Later that afternoon everyone who was invited gathered in thefamily room for Ellie's birthday party and handed her their gifts. The gifts includedbooks, toys and clothes. Demetri and Sophie got her a small pink birthdaycake with a princess bear on top and everyone sang to her. Ellie spent the afternoon smiling and babblingaway, enjoying the attention and cuddles she was receiving. "You're quite theproud papa" Felix said with a smile and placing a hand on his shoulder "Howcould I not be Fe, I have a beautiful family" Demetri replied with a smile ofhis own as his eyes locked on Sophie, Nico and Ellie enjoying themselves.

Unknown to Sophie both Demetri and Nico were trying to teach Ellie to talk, although not together. Demetri had read the parenting book that it's good to encourage your baby to talk, so that is what he did, anytime he was alone with Ellie he would teach her to talk "Hey Princess, want to cuddle with Daddy?" She smiled up at him as he lifted her up into his arms and took a seat on Nico's bed "You know who I am?" He asks her softly and she nods "Who am I?" Ellie just babbles back at him causing him to laugh "Not quite Princess. I'm daddy. Can you say daddy?" She thinks for a moment, Demetri watching her with curiosity "D-D" The only response he gets before she babbles back at him "I think we need more practice" He says smiling at her lovingly and she snuggles into him "D-D."

Nico heard Demetri trying to teach Ellie to talk and decided he wanted Ellie to say his name instead of daddy first. "Come on Ellie, say Nico...Ni-co" He encourages her gently but gets no response "Ni-co" She thought for a moment "D-D" Nico shook his head "Try again for me Ellie. Ni-co" "N-N...D-D" Ellie replied smiling and he chuckled "Practice makes perfect Ellie."

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