Chapter Three

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Nico was a one-week-old when he said his first word "Daddy" Demetri froze for a moment not sure he heard right, his son was only a week old "Daddy" The soft voice repeated and Demetri looked down at his son and lifted him out of the crib and held him to his chest "That's right little one, I'm your Daddy" He replied softly smiling and his son snuggled into him, his small hand holding onto Demetri's top. Demetri had never thought about being dad once he was turned, but now that he has a son, he wouldn't have it any other way 'I may not have a mate to share eternity with but I'll always have my son' He smiled at the thought and made his way to his bed and got comfortable as his son began to fall asleep laying on his chest.

Demetri takes Nico to meet the Queens and they fall in love with him instantly "Oh my god he's adorable" Sulpicia beamed as soon as Demetri entered the room with Nico. Athenodora took Nico from Demetri "Hello little one, you look just like your daddy" "Thank you" Nico replied, his cheeks turning a little pink "Aww and he has your manners" Sulpicia smiled at Demetri, who smiled back beaming with pride "You are going to bring such joy to us all little one" Athenodora added hugging him a little tighter and he snuggled into her "Nico likes a cuddle mi' lady" Demetri says looking at Athenodora "I've noticed and that's ok with me" She replied "Don't hog the little one, sister" Sulpicia said holding her arms out to Athenodora, who handed Nico over to her and watched as he cuddled into her sister. Demetri watched as the Queens took Nico over to the sofa and take a seat knowing he wasn't getting his son back anytime soon "Come take a seat Demetri" Athenodora offers pointing to the armchair beside the sofa "Thank you mi' lady" He replies as he takes a seat getting comfortable, he was going to be there a while.

Nico surprised Demetri when he got up and walked at only four weeks old "Fascinating little thing aren't you?" Demetri chuckled and his son chuckled too as his little arms reached up "Up please" Demetri smiled and lifted his son into his arms "I'm so proud of you son, talking and walking within a month" Nico nodded and smiled before yawning and snuggling into Demetri before falling asleep in his arms, something both of them enjoyed.

Demetri had taken Nico into the castle's south facing garden and noticed that Nico's hardened skin glowed faintly rather than sparkled in sunlight, therefore he would be able to blend in with humans more easily than vampires, something Demetri liked as it meant that Gianna could take his son out to the courtyard in front of the castle on sunny days when he couldn't, although he would in the castle near the doors just in case, ensuring his son was safe.

It was a Saturday afternoon and Demetri decided to take his son to a nearby park as he wanted to get out of the castle for a bit and Nico likes the park; luckily for him it was an overcast day, so he didn't have to worry about exposure. They were approaching the park when Demetri noticed two familiar scents 'apple and cinnamon' and 'lemon and honey' and before he knew what he was doing he was walking towards the scents; only to discover his son had beaten him to it and was standing by the bench looking at the baby in the dark-haired girl's arms "Hello, I'm Nico. It's nice to meet you" He introduced himself, smiling and looking at the two of them "I'm Sophie and this is Ellie. It's nice to meet you too" "She's really pretty" Nico said looking down at Ellie who cooed at him "Thank you Nico. Is your mommy around?" She asked softly, looking around "No, I don't have a mommy. I'm here with my daddy" He replied turning and pointing at Demetri "Hello again Sophie" Demetri smiled as he approached them, recognising them from the plane "Hello Demetri. I've just met your son" She replied smiling "He's very polite" "Thank you" He replied "Do you mind if I sit here?" He asked gesturing to the empty space beside her "Not at all" She replied "How have you been?" He asked "I've been ok thank you, still trying to settle into our new home. How have you been?" "I've been ok too, I er...I gained a son since I last saw you" He replied "I did wonder about Nico as I remember you saying you weren't sure about holding babies and I took that to mean that you didn't have children of your own" She said "It's definitely a new thing but I wouldn't change having him in my life for anything" He replied with a smile "How old is Ellie?" Nico asked "She's four months tomorrow" Sophie replied and Demetri watched Nico's reaction and chuckled as his son seemed intrigued by her "Would you like to hold her Nico?" Sophie asked "I'm not sure how to...I wouldn't want to hurt her" He replied low not looking away from Ellie. Demetri lifted Nico onto the bench so he was sitting between him and Sophie "Just make sure you support her head and you'll be fine" Demetri said and nodded at Sophie, who gently placed Ellie in Nico's arms; Demetri wrapping his arm around his son to help support Ellie's head "You're so tiny" Nico said to Ellie and she cooed back at him as he smiled down at her.

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