Chapter Six

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Meanwhile, back in Volterra, Sophie and Nico spent Friday watching movies and cuddling and playing with Ellie when she wasn't napping. Saturday afternoon Sophie baked cupcakes with Nico and showed him how to decorate them, something he thoroughly enjoyed "Mmm, that's yummy"" Nico said as he licked the frosting off his fingers, Sophie chuckled "Glad you're having fun" "I am, I don't get to do this at the castle" Nico replied and Sophie smiled "I promise to do 'human' things with you when you're with me" "Thank you Sophie, I'd like that" He replied smiling. Sophie and Nico made pizzas for dinner, something else Nico enjoyed doing for the first time, before getting comfortable on the sofa to watch more movies together.

Demetri got back late to Sophie's and let himself in, locking the door behind him. He walked into the front room and saw Sophie and Nico cuddled up together on the sofa under a large blanket, he smiled to himself before carefully lifting Nico up into his arms and putting him to bed on the sofa bed in Ellie's room "Goodnight son" He kissed his hair and tucked him in. He walked over to Ellie's crib and leant down over it, inhaling her scent "Goodnight princess" He placed a kiss to her forehead and returned to the front room; he lifted Sophie up and carried her to her room and gently laid her down on the bed beneath the duvet. He changed into a pair of lounge pants and a t-shirt that he had packed in Nico's bag and climbed in beside her, taking her into his arms "Goodnight mi amore" He kissed her cheek "Goodnight Dem" She rolled over and snuggled into him, his grip tightened a little holding her closer to him.

The following morning Ellie woke up early and Sophie rolled over ready to get out of bed "Let me" Demetri said and moved quickly to Ellie's room, Nico was standing beside her crib, he had slid his arm between the bars and was stroking her head "Sshh, sshh, you're ok" He said low, trying to soothe her "Come here princess" Demetri said as he lifted her out of her crib "Daddy" Nico wrapped his arms around Demetri's legs "Missed you" "Missed you too buddy. Come on" Nico followed Demetri back to Sophie's room and Demetri climbed back in beside Sophie as Nico stood in the doorway "Come on sweetie" Sophie said smiling as she shifted towards the middle of the bed making room for him. Nico climbed in and snuggled into her as Ellie snuggled into Demetri's chest "Sunday mornings are a great excuse for a lie in and cuddles" Sophie said smiling "I agree" Demetri replied "Me too" Nico added and Ellie cooed before falling back to sleep, along with Sophie and Nico; Demetri closed his eyes enjoying the sound of his family's steady breathing and their heartbeats.

That Wednesday Sophie met Demetri by the fountain in front of the castle "Hi mi amore" He wrapped his arms around her "Hello Demetri" She replied hugging him back; he leant down and kissed her. Ellie recognised his voice and started cooing and making babbling noises, Demetri chuckled "Don't worry princess, I haven't forgotten about you" He leant over the pram smiling at her and she smiled back, happy she had his attention. "What if they don't like me?" Sophie asked as they neared the doors to the castle "They'll love you, I promise" "But..." "Nico has told everyone about you and Ellie" He cut her off wrapping an arm around her waist "They can't wait to meet you both" He kissed the top of her head and he felt Sophie relax a little in his hold "O-Ok" She replied. They entered the castle and saw Nico waiting for them; the four of them made their way to the south facing garden where Demetri had blankets laid out on the grass and a picnic basket filled with food for Sophie and Nico, and a flask of blood for himself.

The three Kings were in Caius' study that overlooked the south facing garden and observed Demetri, Nico, Sophie and Ellie as they sat in the castle garden spending time together. Marcus didn't turn to look at his brothers as he confirmed Sophie was indeed Demetri's mate "Demetri and Sophie are known as 'True Mates' and their bond is strong despite the complications of children being involved. Demetri feels very protective of both Sophie and Ellie." Aro found it amusing that Demetri hadn't figured it out when they met on the plane "How did he not know Sophie was his mate when they first met?" "Fate works in mysterious ways brother" Marcus mused "All that matters now is that they have found each other and they need to find a way to blend their families together. In fact, a 'father / daughter' bond is forming between him and Ellie as he already sees her as his daughter" He added. "Are there any bonds between Sophie and Nico or between the children themselves?" Caius asked, curious "Sophie and Nico have a 'mother / son' bond that is very strong; in fact, that bond probably took hold before her bond with Demetri..." "Really? How come?" Caius cut him Marcus off "Yes brother, and I put that down to the fact that Sophie is a mum and she naturally stepped into that role for Nico early on. There is also a 'sibling' bond between Nico and Ellie and although Nico is younger that Ellie; physically he appears older than her due to him being a hybrid" Marcus added "Let's hope things work out for all involved" Aro said "They will brother I'm sure. I will say this though, some leniency will be needed with regards to Sophie staying human until Ellie is a few years older and even then she will need to spend her newborn phase here with us; with her daughter" Marcus replied "That is something that can be accommodated I'm long as they move into the castle; move into Demetri's quarters, which can be extended to include the vacant room opposite his; I mean the room can be split to accommodate both children" Caius added "I'm surprised you agreed so easily brother" Marcus commented "I won't have mates separated, it's cruel and heart-breaking for all involved, not to mention without his mate our dear Demetri will become like you brother and I know you wouldn't want that for him. None of us would" Caius replied "I think you've mellowed a little brother" Aro mused "I will never allow mates to be separated especially when they are mates of our guards. Anyways, my wife is rather fond of Demetri and Nico and she would make my life hell if I did anything to upset or hurt them" Caius replied honestly "I think my wife would do the same brother" Aro said in agreement.

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