Chapter Sixteen

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Sophie decided to show Ellie and Nico Hotel Transylvania movie trilogy before she and Demetri sat Ellie down and explained that Nico was a hybrid and that he would age quicker than her and Demetri and the other castle occupants were vampires. Ellie and Nico enjoyed the films and resulted in some interesting questions for Demetri from Ellie. "Ellie there is something you need to know me" Demetri said softly "What's that daddy?" "There is a reason I am always cold and have red eyes...I am a vampire" He replied and waited for her response, she thought for a moment before asking "Like Dracula, in the film?" She pointed to the movie "Yes, just like Dracula" He replied and Ellie's eyes lit up "You can turn into a bat" "No, princess I cannot turn into a bat" He replied and she pouted "Oh" Sophie and Nico chuckled "She looks disappointed that daddy cannot turn into a bat" Nico said. "I can do other things though that humans can't" Demetri told her "Like what?" Curiosity clearly shown on her face "I can move really fast and have quick reflexes" He answered "Can you show me?" Demetri smiled and ran around the room in a blur, Ellie looked confused so he did it again "Wow" She breathed, he picked her up and put her on the bed and stepped back a little "Jump and I'll catch you" She did as he told her and squealed excitedly when he caught her with ease. "What else can you do daddy?" "Daddy sparkles in the sun" Nico added smiling "Really? Show me, please" She asked pointing to the balcony. Demetri nodded and made his way to the balcony and stepped outside, the sun making his skin sparkle. "Mummy, mummy look at daddy" She called out over his shoulder, grinning "I know hunny" Sophie replied smiling. "Daddy when do I get to become a vampire?" She asked, excitement clear in her voice "When you're older" He told her "Promise?" "I promise princess" He replied and kissed her cheek.

Once back inside Demetri sat her down and explained that he will turn Sophie into a vampire within a year or two and explained about Nico. "Nico is a hybrid..." "What does that mean?" She asked cutting him off "It means he's half-human / half-vampire and he ages quicker than you" He replied and Ellie pouted "That's not fair. Why am I not a hybrid?" "Because you're special Ellie. You're human and get to become a full vampire when you're grown up" Nico replies wrapping his arm around her, Demetri and Sophie nod and smile at them both. Demetri doesn't mention that he drinks human blood to survive as he doesn't want to scare her.

The three Kings advise the castle that Ellie is aware that they are vampires but is unaware of their diet and it is to stay that way until Demetri tells her otherwise.

Time Skip – Ellie at 4 years old

Ellie had been spending time with Caius and Athenodora one afternoon and caught Caius by surprise when she asked "Where do you send vampires when they've been naughty?" He looks at her for moment before replying "We send them to the dung..." "There is a room on the lower level of the castle where the naughty vampires go" Athenodora cut him off before he could finish the word dungeon "Remember she's a child love" She said low enough for only Caius to hear, who nodded and smiled at his wife and Ellie "You have a room just for timeouts?" Ellie asked "Yes, sweetie" Athenodora replied.

A few days later Ellie wondered into the throne room and made her way over to the kings who were sitting at a table on the left side of the room "What are you doing?" She asks "I'm reading a favourite book of mine" Marcus replies with a smile "I am writing up a list for an upcoming trial" Aro says looking down at her "What's a trial?" Aro thought for a moment on how to answer that question. "A trial is meeting of...naughty vampires that need to be dealt with" Caius tells her just as Demetri and the twins enter the room for their shift "Ellie?" Demetri asks surprised to see his daughter in the throne room "Hi Daddy" She calls out with a big smile "What are you doing in here princess?" He asked a little worried "Talking to Grandpa Marcus and Uncle Aro and Uncle Caius" She replied from Caius' lap "It's ok Demetri she can stay in here for a while" Aro assured him with a smile "Thank you master" Demetri smiled and bowed his head.

"Aro what happens at a meeting with naughty vampires?" Demetri's attention immediately goes to Ellie and Aro "Well Ellie we find out what they did wrong and then we punish them" Aro replies softly "What does punish mean?" Ellie questioned "Well, how would Mummy and Daddy deal with you and Nico fighting over stuff?" Caius asks "We don't fight very often but if or when we do Mummy says 'if you two can't share it, then neither of you can have it' then she takes away the object and puts us in a timeout" She replies "Well we do the same with the naughty vampires" Aro tells her "You mean you send them to the timeout room on the lower level of the castle?" Ellie asks and Aro and Marcus look confused "Sometimes, other times they are dealt with in a harsher way" Caius replied and Ellie went to ask another question but Caius interjected "I'll explain when you're older" Ellie nods and Demetri relaxes a little.

Demetri carries Ellie back to her room and find Sophie and Nico playing cards "How was bring your daughter to work day Dem?" "I didn't take her with me amore, she found her own way there and was talking to the Kings when I arrived on duty" Demetri replies and Ellie nods "Daddy's right Mummy, he was surprised to see me in there" "Well, Daddy didn't bring you back here though did he?" "Uncle Aro said I could stay" Ellie replies "I think they like her company" Demetri adds, Nico chuckles "They like the fact she asks questions mummy. They like her curiosity" He says looking at Sophie.

A few days later Ellie puts two of the guards in a timeout, something the kings find rather amusing and Caius encourages her "Ellie has been learning that bad behaviour has consequences which is why she is here with us watching how we deal with you" He smiles at her and lifts her onto his lap. "We heard you two arguing from the other end of the castle, what are you arguing over?" Aro asked "A book" Leon replied low and Ellie slid off Caius' lap "If you two can't share it, then neither of you can have it. So, hand it over" Ellie says looking at Matt and Leon and holds out her little hands to them. Demetri cannot help smiling at his little girl telling off the lower guards "You need a timeout, go to the room on the lower level" Ellie said looking at Leon who looked a little shocked at being 'told off' by a four-year-old "The room on the lower floor?" He mouths looking at the Kings "Dungeon" Aro mouths back and Leon's face pales "F-For how long?" He asks "The remainder of the day" Caius answers.

Afton came crashing through the throne room doors and landed at the bottom of the stairs, a lower guard entered growling at him "What's the meaning of this?" Caius asks loudly "This...creep was spying on me and my mate during an...intimate moment, thinking his 'shield' would protect him" The lower guard replies, the Kings faces held a look of disgust "Afton" Aro said holding out his hand, after a few moments he shook his head "What shall we do with you?" He asked low "I think he should spend time in the naughty corner" Ellie offered and pointed to the dark corner on the far side of the room "How long shall we leave him there Ellie?" Caius asks her, with a grin "What's the time?" "Two-thirty pm" Caius replies "He should stand in the corner until my bedtime, which is eight pm." Caius looked at Afton, a scowl clearly shown on his face "You heard Ellie. Go to the naughty corner and stay there until eight pm" "But she's..." "She's what?" Caius growled "A human child...a stupid..." Demetri growled from the back of the room "You upset my daddy, big mistake" She practically sung the words and smiled at him sweetly. 'She learnt that smile from Aro' Felix thought as he watched the scene unfold. "This child outranks you Afton" Caius sneered at him "H-How?" "I am a King and she is my niece, therefore she is the castle's Princess" Caius added and nodded his head at Ellie "You will show her some respect or else" "Or else what?" Afton said pushing his luck "Or we'll have your head" Ellie said growling at him, Demetri's jaw dropped at hearing his daughter threaten to have Afton beheaded whilst the Kings smiled proudly at her 'Sophie's gonna kill me' Demetri thought to himself. Afton snarled at her "Uncle Felix" Ellie sang the words and he flashed beside Afton "Ellie" He nodded smiling at her, finding the situation amusing "If he leaves the naughty corner before six am tomorrow morning, remove his head" "Ellie" Aro said looking down at her "Please" Ellie added smiling, Aro shook his head smiling. "You extended his time in the naughty corner" Marcus commented "He was rude to Caius and I so I thought he should stay there till morning" She replied "I'm so proud" Caius smiled, pretending to wipe a tear.

"Did you ever think teaching your human daughter right from wrong would have such...interesting consequences for us vampires?" Santiago asked low "Nope" Demetri replied "I'm glad Nico isn't here though, could you imagine both of them handing out timeouts?" Felix added "Yea, they'd be hardly anyone left on duty" Alec chuckled.

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