Chapter Eight

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Later that evening Sophie saw Afton on her way to the kitchen with Nico and saw red "Hey asshole, we need to talk" "Who me?" Afton looked shocked as Sophie approached him "Yes you! How dare you tell Nico he was a mistake and that he wasn't wanted?!" Sophie shouted "How dare you tell Nico that I'm NOT HIS MUM?" Afton visibly flinched "I-I d-did..." Afton struggled to put a response together "Lost for words, are we? Huh" Afton didn't answer "You had plenty to say to MY SON earlier. Why so quiet now?" "Erm...I...uh" Afton stuttered "He is just a child for god sake! He's MY child!" She pointed at Nico "You're lucky Dem isn't here because he'd rip your BLOODY HEAD OFF for what you've done" Sophie didn't bother to control her anger "OOOH I just wanna smack you so hard..." She trailed off and watched as Heidi slapped Afton "Allow me Sophie" Nico stood there surprised with his mouth open slightly watching Sophie verbally attack Afton and Santiago didn't bother to hide his smirk as he watched Demetri's human mate confront Afton "I'm surprised Demetri hasn't heard the commotion" Santiago said low to Heidi "I know it's drawn a lot of attention" Renata added as she approached them "Stay away from MY SON! In fact, stay away from MY FAMILY!" She screamed at him still furious and he nodded nervously at her "Demetri will hear of your stunt" She added as she took Nico's hand back in hers and continued towards the kitchen "Remind me to never piss her off" Santiago mused still smiling, the other vampires nodded in agreement "That's what happens when you piss off a mother because they will defend their children always" Renata told them.

Heidi made her way back to her room but made a detour to tell Demetri what happened between Sophie and Afton "What was all that shouting about? It woke Ellie" Demetri asked Heidi as he cradled Ellie in his arms, trying to get her back to sleep "Sophie gave Afton a dressing down because of what he said to Nico earlier" "What? She did what?" Demetri was shocked "She saw him on her way to the kitchen with Nico and was like 'hey asshole, we need to talk' and Afton looked shocked at being shouted at by your human" Demetri felt proud of Sophie for defending their son but wished he'd been there in case she needed him. "Did he defend or try to justify his actions?" "No, he didn't. He was too shocked and couldn't string a sentence together. She's told him to stay away from her family, but the best part though was when she told him that he's lucky you weren't there as you would've ripped his head off and that you'll hear of his stunt before she walked off with Nico" Heidi replied "I already know what Afton did as I heard Nico tell Sophie as I made my way to our room after being away and was ready to kill him then and there but Felix and the twins said to wait till training tomorrow when I can rip his limbs off without consequences" Demetri said and Heidi nodded "You should know that Santiago and the others were impressed with Sophie and are slightly scared of her when she's pissed off" Demetri chuckled "I've never seen that side of her but I'm proud of her for defending our son and trust me Heidi, Afton will get his ass handed to him tomorrow because no one upsets or hurts my family and gets away with it."

The following day during the training session held by Demetri and Felix Afton found himself on the wrong side of the usually calm tracker and left the session with dismembered limbs and a threat from Demetri "You ever go near my family again and you will lose your head! Do you understand?" Afton nodded and carried from the training room by some of the transitory guards.

When Ellie learnt to crawl a few weeks later it freaked Demetri out as she moved around the floor so quickly and he wondered how long her development stages would last "Sophie how long do human babies crawl about for?" Demetri asked curious "She'll be crawling about for a few months before she starts walking, why'd you ask?" "Nico crawled for two days before he just got up and walked" He replied "Huh. I got the short straw when it came to having a baby" Sophie responded low but Demetri heard her and chuckled "I'm looking forward to raising Ellie with you. We get to enjoy these stages of her development longer than we do with Nico" He kissed her temple as he wrapped his arms around her "I know that babe, it's just she's older than him and..." "You can't help comparing the two of them" She nodded "Don't compare them. It isn't fair seeing as one is a human / vampire hybrid and the other is 100% human...for now" He replied and Sophie raised an eyebrow "When Ellie is older, all grown up I plan on turning her so she'll be 100% vampire like her parents" He kissed her lips "You plan on keeping me and Ellie here forever then?" She asked, her tone teasing "Yes. Now I have you both're never leaving. You're mine" He growled low and pressed his fangs gently to her throat pretending to bite her and he felt her pulse spike; he smiled against her skin before leaving open-mouthed kisses along her throat.

"I believe this belongs to you two" Felix says as he enters Demetri and Sophie's shared room with Ellie in his arms "I think a little less seducing and little more baby watching is needed...hmm" He adds; Demetri growls at his friend as Sophie blushes a little "Thank you Felix. I think we need to get a baby gate for our door..." "Or we could just keep it closed" Demetri cut Sophie off as he glared at Felix "Daddy why are you looking at Felix like that?" Nico asked as he entered the room with Jane following behind "I interrupted mummy and daddy having a..." "Felix" Demetri growled "Daddy and I were...talking and didn't notice Ellie had crawled out into the corridor and uncle Felix bought her back. However, he has been teasing daddy about being distracted ever since" Sophie explained "Oh ok. I thought Uncle Felix may have upset you or daddy" Nico replied "I think Felix is starting to upset daddy now, so why don't you come back to my room and we'll take Ellie too" Jane said taking Ellie from Demetri as she and Nico left the room "Thank you Jane" Sophie called out "You're welcome" Jane called back. Felix turned and left the room "I'll just close this shall I?" He asked not bothering to hide his smirk and Demetri growled at him again.

Demetri and Sophie spent a few hours together cuddled on the sofa watching a movie on the television that Sophie bought with her when she and Ellie moved into the castle "After centuries of reading of an evening, it's nice to have something else to do" Demetri said softly "You make yourself sound so old" Sophie responded laughing "I am old Sophie" "Well you don't look it babe and I'm glad I could introduce to the world of TV and movies" She lifted her head from his chest and kissed his lips softly, earning a purr from him "Have I ever told you that I love it when you do that?" She smiled and kissed him again "No, mi amore you haven't" He replied before purring again "I love it when you purr" She said low and snuggled back into his chest listening to him purring, a smile etched on his face.

Sophie wanted to take her relationship with Demetri further but was nervous and a little embarrassed due to her inexperience, so she decided to speak to Heidi. She found Heidi in her room "Hello Heidi, can I speak to you...privately, please?" She asked nervously "Of course hunny. Come in" Heidi replied closing her door. They took seat on the sofa facing the fireplace "What did you want to talk to me about?" Sophie took a deep breath before answering low "I want to take things further with Dem but I-I don't know how" Heidi heard her clearly thanks to her vampire hearing "Not to point out the obvious Sophie but you have a baby so surely you know something about the topic" Sophie realised then that Demetri hadn't mentioned anything to Heidi about the night Ellie was conceived " I-I...god this is so awkward" Heidi took Sophie's hands in hers, sensing she was nervous "There's something you should know...regarding Ellie" Heidi remained quiet, just nodding for her to continue "My first and only sexual experience wasn't consensual..." Tears filled her eyes "Oh Sophie...I'm so sorry" Heidi wrapped her arms around her "Does Dem know?" Heidi asked "Y-Yes, he knows. He, Felix and the twins tracked him down, before torturing and killing him a few weeks back" Sophie replied "Ok...that's one way to deal with the situation I suppose. Speak to him about how you are feeling and he will take things slowly with you" Heidi responded loosening her hold on Sophie.

"He has been nothing but a gentleman Heidi, he's a great guy. I couldn't ask for anyone better to be my mate or to be Ellie's dad. I just don't know how to let him know that I want our relationship to become more intimate" Heidi smiled at her "There are a few things you can do hunny. You could buy some new lingerie and wear it for him, just ensure you won't be interrupted by the kids" Heidi chuckled before continuing "You could invite him to share a shower or a bubble bath with you; things could get interesting especially if you wash one another. Or the next time the two of you are either cuddling on the sofa or in bed, run your hand over him until you reach his crotch, then cup it and gently squeeze while kissing him. He'll get the hint and things should progress naturally from there" Sophie felt her cheeks heat a little "Thank you for the advice Heidi" "You're welcome hunny. If you want company when you go shopping for lingerie just let me know" "I will thank you. I best get back before Ellie wakes from her nap." Sophie's talk with Heidi definitely gave her plenty to think about.

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