Chapter Two

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Demetri and Heidi went straight to the throne room to speak to the Kings "Hello Demetri, Heidi how we can help?" Aro greeted them with a smile "Evening master, I need to speak with you on a private matter" Demetri replied, Aro nodded and with a wave of his hand he dismissed the guards on duty "Why can I hear a heartbeat?" Aro asked curiously and Demetri noticed Caius sit up a little straighter on his throne "That heartbeat belongs to my son" He replied unwrapping his cloak a little to show him to Aro "May I?" Demetri nodded and placed his hand in Aro's and waited "Thank you Heidi for helping Demetri deal with this situation. I trust the dead girl has been taken care off?" "Yes master, I dealt with her myself" She replied and held out her hand. Aro smiled and looked at his brothers. "It'll be nice to have a little one around and as we know from the Cullen's hybrid he will be fully grown in seven years and he is bound to be gifted given who his father is" Marcus smiled "There is a bond there between them too as one would expect from a father and his son" He added still smiling. "Take a few days off to get things sorted Demetri and congratulations my dear boy" Aro said smiling "Yes, congratulations. Just be sure to visit the Queens with your son in the next few days as they'll be wanting to meet him, after all they are rather fond of you" Caius added with a small smile "Yes master and thank you" He replied, bowing his head.

"That went better than I thought it would" Demetri said low to Heidi "I told you they'd accept him as he is yours" She replied low "He looks rather comfortable in your arms Dem" She added smiling "It feels right holding him in my arms and I feel rather protective of him already" He replied "That's because you're his father. Come on let's get him cleaned up and in the morning we'll go shopping for baby stuff" She responded. They reach the elite guard floor and Jane's door opens "Why can I hear a heartbeat and...?" She trails off when she sees Demetri and Heidi walking towards her "Sshh you'll wake him" Heidi says low and Jane nods as she approaches, Demetri lets out a low hiss in warning to her. Jane stops and looks at him "I'm not a threat Demetri...I'm curious that's all" She replies looking into his eyes "I'm's just..." "Demetri is holding his newborn son and is feeling protective...maybe give him some space" Heidi answers cutting off Demetri "You-you have a son?" Alec asks stepping out of his room "Yes...I'll explain everything once I've cleaned him up" Demetri replies entering his room, the twins and Heidi following.

Demetri enters the bathroom and runs a sink full of water "Here let me Demetri" Heidi says softly reaching for the baby and begins to clean him up "Do you have any clothes for him?" Jane asks "Er no. I'll wrap him up in one of my jumpers for now" He replied. Jane sped out of the bathroom and into her room returning quickly "Here put this on him, it'll be better" Jane said as she passed him a blue Babygro, Demetri raised an eyebrow "I have a few items of baby clothes...they're for my newborn china doll" She replied low "Thank you Jane, I appreciate the gift" He smiled at her and she smiled back, before looking down at her feet feeling a little embarrassed as Alec was the only one who knew she changed the clothes of that particular doll every so often "No need to be embarrassed Jane, your secret is safe me" Demetri said putting a hand on her shoulder "Me too" Heidi nodded "Thank you" Jane replied. Demetri watched as Jane put a small towel around the baby's lower half and secured it carefully in place with safety pins "It's what my mother used to do to our baby sister before she passed away...there was only cloth nappies back then" Jane answered his unasked question "It'll do until we can get supplies tomorrow" Alec added smiling at his sister, surprised she remembered that fact. "Thank you Jane" Demetri said as she passed him the baby after dressing him "You're welcome. If you need help with him, just ask" She smiled "I will" He replied and watched as she left the bathroom. "I didn't think she liked me much...although I am the only guard except for Alec who she doesn't use her gift on" He said low "She thinks of you as an older look out for her especially when on missions together" Heidi replied smiling and he nodded.

Demetri and Heidi sat on the sofa in front of the fireplace and watched as Alec lit the fire before sitting on the sofa to the left. Jane entered the room holding a bottle "We don't have any formula but I know that you can give him cool boiled water...just for tonight" She said passing him the bottle "I wasn't sure what diet you had planned for him" She added low "Thank you Jane. I hadn't actually thought about it to be honest" Demetri replied low "You've surprised me tonight know more about babies than I thought" He added and she smiled "I'm glad I could help." "What are you going to call him?" Alec asked curious "Nico Volturi" Demetri replied looking down at his son, who yawned and closed his eyes falling back to sleep "Goodnight Nico" Heidi and Jane said together "I like it, it's Greek" Alec smiled. Demetri told the twins about the events that led to him bringing Nico home and that the Kings were happy for Nico to stay with him and that he had to introduce his son to the Queens in the next few days "It'll be nice to have a little one around" Jane said smiling and Heidi nodded "You know the girls are going to fight over who helps you to take care of him, right?" Alec said looking between the two female vampires "I'll accept their help as long as they remember he's mine" Demetri replied.

The following morning Heidi asked Gianna, the human secretary, what items they would need to enable them to care for a newborn baby. Gianna wrote down a list and advised to let her know if they struggled to purchase anything. Later that morning Demetri, Heidi, Jane and Alec went shopping to pick up the items on Gianna's list. Alec found it funny that a few human women approached Demetri and complimented him on his 'gorgeous son' Demetri thanked them with a proud smile, although he did feel a little uncomfortable when one woman decided to flirt with him after complimenting him and his son, Heidi took pity on her friend and helped him out "There you are babe, wondered where you got to" She leaned up to press her lips to his cheek, placing one hand on his back and the other softly rested against the baby's head "We seem to be attracting a little attention love" He replied smiling, playing along; the human women huffed and walked away "Thank you Heidi" "You're welcome just...stay close until we're ready to leave" She replied and Demetri noticed the grin on Alec's face "What?" He asked "Who would've thought you'd need rescuing from the ladies?" Alec chuckled, Demetri said nothing and stayed by Heidi for the remainder of the trip.

Meanwhile, Felix came off night duty and went to find Demetri to see if he wanted to spar for a bit but was surprised when he entered his friend's room to discover it empty, although he picked the familiar scents of Heidi, Jane and Alec as well as a new scent that made him a little curious. He decided to wait in his friend's room so he could find out who the unfamiliar scent belongs to. He heard a heartbeat along with the voices of his friends and this piqued his interest 'maybe D found his mate whilst I was on duty last night' He was shocked however when Demetri entered his room holding a baby "Why do you have a baby D?" He asked confusion clearly showing on his face "Fe meet my son Nico" Demetri replied smiling "S-Son? How?" Fe asked "Surely we don't have to explain that to you?" Jane replied smirking, Demetri, Alec and Heidi choked back a laugh as Felix chose to ignore her "I meant how have you got a son when you don't have a mate and it's not like you can just adopt one?" "My son is the result of a recent liaison with a human, she didn't survive the birth. I only found out last night when my son's tenor reached out to me whilst I was out walking, trying to clear my head" Demetri replied "And before you ask the Kings are more than happy for him to stay with me. We've just come back from buying baby stuff" He added and Felix nodded "Congratulations on being a dad" "Thank you Fe" He replied as Jane carefully took Nico from him "He needs changing, come on Dem I'll show you how with these new disposable nappies" "Thank you Jane" He replied smiling, although he did a have a confused look on his face "I googled how to use this new style of nappies earlier" She answered his unasked question "You are full of surprises" He smiled at her "We're family and you need help caring for Nico" She replied entering the bathroom and Demetri followed "This is going to be an interesting seven years" Alec mused.

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