Chapter Seventeen

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Ellie's first day at school does not go well and she doesn't like it. She came home crying as none of the other children spoke to her. "How was school?" Nico asked excited to hear about her first day at a human school. Ellie didn't answer she just ran over to Demetri and climbed onto his lap and let the tears fall. "I-I don't want to-to go back to-to school, no-no one spoke to-to me" Sophie places a comforting hand on her back as Demetri holds a sobbing Ellie in his arms "No-no one likes me daddy" She murmured as she snuggled into him further and he felt his undead heart break for her. "Everyone likes you Ellie" Nico smiled at her "Not at school. I was on my own all day" She replied low still crying. "Well tomorrow will be better and you'll make friends soon" Sophie replied encouraging her to return to school the following day.

Once the children were in bed, Sophie and Demetri had a conversation and came to a compromise and agreed that Ellie had to give school a chance. "Why do we have to send her back? She came home in tears Soph" Demetri asked not wanting to send her back, he wanted to keep his little princess home with them. "Because kids are kids and they can be cruel sometimes. Ellie didn't attend nursery with these children Dem, she went to school not knowing anyone. I don't want her growing up thinking she can just quit when things get a little difficult" Sophie replied "I can understand that Sophie I don't want that either...but this is different. She's just a child and she shouldn't be treated like that, no one spoke to her, no one. She was there for six hours, six hours amore. That is unacceptable!" He sounded angry "I know Dem, I know, but what can I do. She needs to be at school." "If sending Ellie to this school doesn't work out Sophie, she will be home-schooled by the Kings." Demetri said firmly.

Ellie came home in tears again the following day and once inside the castle she ran to the throne room knowing Demetri was on duty. Matt was standing outside the throne room and saw her running towards him in tears and opened the door "Demetri" He said low and nodded at Ellie as she entered the room. Demetri lifted her into his arms, holding her tight as she buried her head in his neck, tears falling down her cheeks. "Demetri bring Ellie here please" Aro asked and Demetri walked over to them. "Ellie what's wrong?" Aro asked, Ellie held out her hand to him, something she had seen the others do. Aro looked to Demetri for permission as he had agreed not to read the children's thoughts until they were older. "Ellie is not settling into school very well" Demetri replied, Aro nodded. "What's the problem?" Caius asked "No one spoke to her at school yesterday and it happened again today, hence why she is crying" Aro replied, letting go of her hand. Demetri felt Ellie snuggle into him further "I-I don't want to-to go back daddy" She sobbed "I know princess, but you have to give it a chance like mummy said" "Why? Nico doesn't have to go to school outside" "That's because Nico grows up quickly due to being half-vampire" Demetri replied and kissed her cheek holding her close "That's not fair daddy" Ellie mumbled into his neck.

The other vampires in the castle love Ellie and when they found out how her first day at school went, Sophie had to explain to them that they can't go and kill a classroom of children because they had made Ellie cry "Why not?" Felix asked "She's my niece and she came home in tears as no one spoke to her" "Well you can't just kill the children because the teachers will there along with the other school children" He just shrugged at her. "And, your point?" Alec asked "So how exactly are you going to hide the fact you killed a few hundred people?" She asked "Burn down the school" Santiago replied quickly "I'd like to see you explain that one to Caius" She replied shocked that they were prepared to commit mass murder for Ellie's sake. 'Part of me is a little pleased they care so much, another part of me is a little scared' She thought as she made her way to her room.

Ellie going to school doesn't work out and Demetri asks if the Kings would tutor Ellie as they do with Nico. Following an interesting conversation with Demetri and Ellie, Caius, Aro and Marcus agree to tutor Ellie as they do Nico. "Masters, may I have a word with you please? I have a request I would like to discuss" Demetri asks as he, Sophie and Ellie stand in front of the Kings. "How can we help?" Aro asks curious "As you are aware Ellie has been attending a human school, although she hasn't really settled in. She comes home crying most days" He replies and the masters nod "I take it the compromise you both came too isn't working out like you had hoped?" Marcus asks looking between Sophie and Demetri, Sophie shakes her head but before she can say anything Ellie replies instead "If-if mummy makes me go back tomorrow...I'm going to tell my classmates that my daddy's a vampire and that my Uncles Felix and Santiago are prepared to burn the school down because they make me cry everyday by being mean." Silence...Ellie had managed to shock the room full of vampires and Sophie. "Now Ellie, you know that is a secret" Aro says after a few moments "Yes, but...but I have no friends Uncle Aro, no-no one at school likes me and it's been a few weeks" She replied, her bottom lip wobbled and tears slipped down her cheeks. Caius' face held a look of sympathy for her "I was hoping you might agree to home-school Ellie as you do with Nico?" Demetri asked as he bent down to pick Ellie up. Caius discreetly tapped his fingers on the arm of his throne "I-I am a Volturi, sh-shouldn't I be tr-treated as such" She said low, tears still falling. "I think we can accommodate your request, after all we can't have our little Ellie being treated in such a poor way by her peers now, can we?" Caius replied "No we cannot" Aro added firmly and Marcus nodded in agreement. Alec didn't miss the small thumbs up Caius gave Ellie and the smile she gave him in return. 'Clever little human' Alec thought to himself.

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