Chapter Nineteen

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Felix and Demetri put Sophie through 'Newborn Bootcamp' to help with her self-control. "Hey buddy, what are you doing here?" Demetri asked as Nico entered the courtyard "I'm here to help..." "Nico, I can't let you do that" Demetri cut him off "I'm half-human so my blood will appeal to mum and I'm half-vampire so I am quicker and stronger than Ellie" Nico told him, a determined expression on his face, as he looked between his parents "You're not quicker or stronger than her" Demetri warned, pointing at Sophie "I know dad, but you're quicker and he's stronger than she is" Nico nodded in Felix's direction. Sophie was holding her breath whilst Felix had wrapped an arm around her waist, ready to hold her back if needed. Sophie let out the breath she was holding and looked at Nico "I'm sorry for the other day sweetie, you know I'd never hurt you or Ellie" "I know mum, that's why I'm here to help. Ellie's missing you and dad and doesn't know why you went for her and the quicker you get control, the better...for all of us." Demetri gave Nico a proud smile.

Wednesday afternoon, Nico tested Sophie's self-control in a way that Demetri and Felix did not approve of but went ahead anyway. He decided to cut his palm and left a trail of blood from the garden fountain to the Queen's prized Rose bushes. Sophie picked up the scent and started to follow it but stopped after a few moments as something didn't feel right. She inhaled deeply and fear ran through her entire body "Nico" She cried out and ran to him, cradling him in her arms, whilst inspecting the still bleeding wound. "Are you ok sweetie?" She asked concern laced in her voice "I'm fine. I cut my hand on purpose. It was a test" He smiled at her "I-I could've hurt you Nico, why would you..." "I had faith in you mum, I was relying on that mother's instinct of yours and guess what, it worked, that part of you won over the blood thirsty newborn part" He said proudly and watched relief and happiness wash over her face "Come on or that'll get infected."

Demetri stood watching the scene unfold with Jane and couldn't believe his eyes "That's one brave kid Demetri" "I know, but I'm still upset with him, he risked his life" "He doesn't see that way Dem. You should be proud of them both, I am. This means their bond is stronger than her need for blood." Jane replied "I suppose this means you won't be pain dropping my mate anymore?" He asked "I only did it three times and it was on the lowest setting, I promise" She replied.

Thanks to working with Demetri, Felix, Jane and Alec twenty-four-seven, Sophie got her bloodlust under control within a week and everyone was proud of her, especially Demetri. Admittedly, Sophie did kill the postman on Friday, but in her defence, he smelt really appealing, like 'chocolate and cinnamon' and she did completely ignore Gianna who sitting less than three feet away at the time, something Gianna was happy about, so much so she helped Sophie dispose of the body. "I think that's progress. Well done Sophie" Gianna praised with a smile "Thank you Gianna and for helping clean up" Sophie replied "Demetri is likely to be less upset about the 'accident' if he knows we took care of the 'evidence'" Gianna added.

That Sunday Demetri decided to allow Sophie to see Ellie as she was missing her mum and he couldn't take the sad look in her eyes anymore "Is mummy ok now? Can I see her soon?" She asked as he carried her back to his room "Mummy is feeling better yes, she struggled a little after she woke up as a vampire. We're going to see her now" Demetri replied gently and Ellie smiled at him.

Once they reached the door, he put Ellie down and watched her run into the room and straight to Sophie "Mummy" Sophie picked her up and held her close, breathing in her scent "I've missed you hunny" "I missed you too mummy." Alec was in the room ready to remove Sophie's senses if needed. Demetri knew that Ellie was aware of Alec's gift, having caught him playing peek-a boo with her when she was younger, in that 'special' way that only Alec could. "I'm sorry about what happened in the garden last week Ellie" Sophie said low "It's ok mummy. Santiago explained that newborns can be unpredictable and that I wasn't to blame" She replied and snuggled into Sophie. Demetri and Alec smiled knowing that Sophie and Ellie were going to be fine now, although Demetri knew he'd still be worried about them until Sophie had passed her newborn stage.

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