The Secret Gets Out

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Audrey's POV

I heard someone clear their throat and my attention turns to Henry. I haven't realized he walked through the door. I guess I was so caught up on the news me and my dad were watching. Henry wasn't even supposed to be here, anyway.

"Hey Hen, when did you get here?" I smiled and sat up, waiting for his answer.

"Just now, actually." Henry gulped, not caring to hide the worried look plastered on his face. What was going on?

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"Henry! I didn't know you were working today." My dad exclaimed after eating another string of spaghetti. "Did I butt beep you?"

"No. Uh, can I talk to you about something?" He walked over to us and my attention continues to be focused on him.

"Uh, babies come from the baby store."

"It's not about that!"

"Oh, good." My dad let out a sigh of relief. "What's up?"

He mentally prepares himself and I could see he was hesitant on speaking. "You know my friend Charlotte?"

"Yeah! She's the smart one, right?" I chimed in, keeping a smile on my face.

"Yeah well, she's like, really smart." He continued, keeping that worried look on his face.

"Yeah, I know, I get that."

"Okay shush." Henry turns his attention back to the situation. "And, uh, she.. kind of figured out—"

"Figure out what?" My dad interrupted and I was on the edge of my seat to see what this was about.

"That, um, I'm Kid Danger."

My smile faded and turned into a frown. How could this happen? So soon? Something about this situation seemed weird. "What?"

"What did you tell her?" My dad turned to Henry, trying to stay calm as possible.

"That I am... Kid Danger." Henry slowly says and I could feel the anger rushing through blood.

"What! How could you?" My jaw dropped, not attempting to hide my anger.

"Interesting." My dad says at once and I look at Henry and back at my dad.

Henry looks over at him. "You're not mad, right?"

"Mad? No."


"You're fired." My dad says without any emotion. This took me aback.

"Fired?" Henry and I both say. Fired? This is a bit extreme. I can't lose my only friend! This is so unfair.

"That's right." My dad continues. "You can leave your watch on the table there."

"Dad! No! There has to be another way." I pleaded and ran over to him.

"But I swear I didn't want to tell her." Henry followed after. "She figured it out."

"Henry... you took an oath." My dad reminded him and he pouts.

"I know, but..." He trailed off, not knowing what to say.

"You promised me that you wouldn't tell anyone." My dad paused for a few moments. "And I trusted you to keep that promise. When trust is broken, it can never be fixed."

"Yes it can!" I objected, hoping to find light in this horrible situation.

"Open this cookie and read the fortune." My dad handed Henry a fortune cookie and I watch closely as he opens the cookie.

Henry Danger: Captain Man's Daughter ¹Where stories live. Discover now