Ox Pox

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Audrey's POV

I walked into the Man Cave from grabbing some Strawberry ice cream that my dad was begging for. When I entered, I heard him talking to a hologram.

"I got your ice cream," I mentioned, slowly walking over to him. I looked over his shoulder and saw Henry.

"Hi, Hen." I grinned. It was a hologram, meaning that Henry was using his whiz watch.

"Hi, Audrey," Henry said. He had a panicked expression on his face.

"What's wrong?" I asked. What is going on?

"Schwoz accidentally put comodium acetate in his cookie batter!" My dad said with wide eyes.

My jaw fell to the floor and I managed to say, "What?!"

"Okay, what's comodium acetate?" Henry asked.

"It's a dangerous chemical!" I told.

"Go find that cookie and destroy it!" My dad ordered and Henry frantically agreed.

"So, how did this happen?" I crossed my arms and looked at my dad. I couldn't wait to find Schwoz and kill him for almost killing my best friend. "Where is Schwoz?"

"Schwoz put it in there! And he decided to give Henry the cookie because he was having a bad day."

Schwoz entered the room quickly. My eyes drew to his. He looked at us, fearfully.

"How could you give Henry the cookie contaminated with comodium acetate?!" I screamed at the top of my lungs that Schwoz had flinched. "You're an idiot!"

"I'm sorry! It looks exactly like sugar! And I keep it in the kitchen! Right next to the sugar!"

My blood boiled. How is he this stupid? I had the sudden feeling to charge after Schwoz, and I did. I was so close to him before strong arms pulled me away.

"Hurting Schwoz won't help Henry! As much as I would like to punch Schwoz, it isn't right." My dad said and finally let me go.

"Yeah, but if Henry dies then I'll kill him," I said in my dad's warm eyes. My phone chimed and I pulled out my phone from my back pocket.

On my way down

"Henry's on his way down," I announced and almost sprinted to the elevator.

My dad pulled me away and said, "Let's not freak Henry out any more than he already is. All right? When he gets down here, everybody just act normal, happy, natural, okay?"

"Fine," I muttered and heard the elevator crash down. The doors opened up and Henry sped walked out.

"Hi! I'm here!" Henry mentioned, pointing out the obvious. His breath shook with every breath he took.

"How are ya, Hen?" I managed to ask, trying to act like everything was fine. Nothing was fine.

"Uh, what goes on?" My dad asked.

"Your sister won't die," Schwoz said in the most sarcastic tone he could manage. I mentally face palmed myself. But then my eyes lit up. Henry didn't eat the cookie? It was Piper? That made me feel a lot better. As much as I sound like a dick saying that.

"What?" Henry asked, his body tensing with every breath.

"Schwoz!" We all yelled.

"You told us to act like everything was okay!" Schwoz argued.

"Then why talk about dying?" I scolded. He's the dumbest person I've ever met.

Henry Danger: Captain Man's Daughter ¹Where stories live. Discover now