Opposite Universe

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Third Person POV

Audrey sat on the couch next to Piper at Henry's house, trying her best to persuade the bratty teenage girl to give her tickets to the concert she wanted to go with her friends.

Thunder crackled and lightning struck, shaking the house roughly.

"Piper, please." Audrey begged and watched Piper stare at her laptop.

"Come on, Piper! That concert is completely sold out." Jasper sharply said.

"We just need five tickets." Charlotte added.

"Please!" Henry whined.

Piper looked up from her laptop. "You just need five tickets?"

Audrey nodded. "Yeah. Just five."

Henry talked over Audrey. "Yeah, yeah, yeah."

Piper's face went blank. "No." She turned back to her laptop screen.

"But you have nine tickets." Henry reminded.

"Yeah, nine tickets that I earned!" Piper corrected.

Jasper stepped closer. "Uh, you didn't earn those tickets."

"Hey, who went online and entered the contest?!" Piper screamed.

"You did." The four teenagers sighed at the angry girl.

"And who won the contest?"



Audrey gave Henry the death stare. Henry got the chills and immediately sat down next to Piper. "Piper."

"Too close." Piper mentioned.

"Okay." Henry scooted away. "Listen, the Hallkins are my favorite band and my boss Ray's favorite band."

"They're my favorite band, too!" Jasper chimed in.

"Not mine. One Direction stays in my heart forever." Audrey grinned.

"Come on, Piper! Please!" Charlotte begged, cupping her hands together.

Piper sighed sharply and turned her head to Charlotte. Before she could answer, Mr. Hart walked inside with a small puppy in his arms. "Hey, guys, look who I found wandering outside!" He grinned, showing off the puppy.

"Aw!" Audrey squeaked and started to pet the dog gently on the head. "Whose puppy is that?"

Mr. Hart eagerly looked over at his son. "Can we keep him?"

"I don't know, Dad, I'm not in charge of the house." Henry replied blankly. He was still annoyed with Piper.

"Right." Mr. Hart realized. "I'll ask your mom." He walked off into the kitchen.

Audrey turned back to Henry, remembering why she was here. "The tickets?" She urged at Henry.

"Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah." Henry sat up straight and shifted his body to his dad. "Dad, Piper won nine tickets to this concert we all really want to go to."

Henry Danger: Captain Man's Daughter ¹Where stories live. Discover now