Out Of This Capability

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Audrey's POV

I sighed in frustration. I was sitting at my desk in my room and watched as objects floated around my head. I wasn't able to fully control my powers and it was annoying and frustrating. Not to mention, I've been having nightmares every night since the night I kissed Henry goodbye.

My pens, books, and tissues floated around my head. I counted every object. 9 objects to be exact.

As much as I love my powers, it's tiring to use since it's a lot of focusing and it's mentally draining. Whenever I accidentally point my hand to something, the object directly in front of it will fly in my hand.

Sometimes I wish I didn't have powers. I wish I could be normal again.

And ever since the day with Drex happened, I've been having traumatic flashbacks, usually at night. It was rare for me to have flashbacks during the day. I haven't told anyone about them and I wasn't planning on telling anyone anytime soon.

"Audrey!" My dad called down the hallway. I looked at my doorway which made the objects drop onto the floor. He was standing right in the doorway.


"I'm worried about you," He said and I sat on my bed. Why was he worried about me? "You've been in your room since you've got your powers. What's going on?"

I wanted to tell him everything about my nightmares but I shook my head at the thought. Might as well confess my telekinesis powers struggles. "I'm not able to control these powers I've got. I'm not capable enough. If I stretch, something will break or fly into my hand. If I even show some sort of emotion my telekinesis will make something hurt someone."

My dad sighed and sat on the bed with me. "Why didn't you tell me sooner? Is this why you won't fight crime with me and Henry?" I nodded at his question and he frowned and put his arm around me, pulling me into a side hug.

I smiled. I'm so glad I've got a dad. I closed my eyes at the embrace and muttered, "It's so exhausting."

He pulled away from the embrace. "I'll get you something to cheer you up." He stepped out of the room for a few seconds before coming back inside with a drawn-on mustache and a cowboy hat. It's an inside joke. We used to bond over this one cowboy movie. "I'm Mr. Diaz!"

I smiled and shook my head. "Not right now, dad. I don't think anything could cheer me up. I'm literally a danger to people. Instead, people should call me, 'Quick, it's Danger' instead of Quick Shot!" I sighed. "I wish I never got these powers."

"Hey, don't worry. Be optimistic about this," he told me. "you'll get them all under control."

"You think so?"

"I know so."

I grinned at him. His words could always comfort me, no matter what the situation is. I laid back down on my bed and my dad slowly walked out of my room.

No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get these powers under control. Within seconds, I was gazing at the objects flying around in my room.


Someone knocked on my door and I looked over at it. The door flew open and a boy stepped backward, surprised at how quickly the door opened.

"Sorry," I mumbled. "I didn't know you were coming in for work today."

Henry stepped inside and closed the door behind him. "I wasn't but Ray told me you've been feeling... depressed? What's wrong? Talk to me."

"Nothing." I blinked and the objects fell onto the floor and Henry covered his head. "Sorry... again."

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