Caved In

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Audrey's POV

"Wh— wait!" I yelled after Gooch and Schowz as they ran out of Junk-n-Stuff.

"Gooch, Schowz, don't leave!" Henry called while carrying a big brown box.

"Let's try to cheer my dad up!" I pleaded as they pushed past Charlotte. "Oh, come on, guys, you won't even look back at me?!"

"What are Gooch and Schowz running from?" Charlotte approached us.

"Ray." Henry rolled his eyes. "Because he's in a really bad mood."

"Why?" Charlotte asked.

"Because it's his super anniversary." I told Charlotte.

"Super...?" Charlotte trailed off.

"The anniversary of when he was eight years old, when he got densitized and became indestructible." I explained.

"Ooh, fun, we should celebrate!" Charlotte exclaimed.

"No!" Henry and I both shouted.

"I mean no!" Charlotte frowned. "But why not?"

"My dad hates his super anniversary." I sighed.

"Why?" Charlotte titled her head.

"Because when Ray's dad realized he was indestructible, he took him out of school and started training him to be a superhero." Henry explained.

"Yeah." Charlotte put a duck mask on.

"And now he feels like he missed out on all the fun of being a normal kid." I finished.

"Aw, that's so sad." Charlotte frowned.

"Yeah." Henry agreed. "He never got to go camping, ride roller coasters. He never even learned how to ride a bike."

"Hmm." Charlotte began. "My uncle Rosco never learned how to ride a bike."

"How come?" I looked at Charlotte.

"Because when he was a kid, he already weighed 400 pounds." Charlotte explained. "The bikes just couldn't take it."

"Poor bikes." Henry sighed.

A little girl walked inside the shop.

"Hey. Need some help?" Henry politely asked.

"I was just wondering if I could try out that piano over there." The girl pointed the piano.

"Sure, go ahead!" I grinned.

Charlotte walked over to a box. "Oh, will you guys kelp me organize these

"Hey, hey, hey!" My dad yelled, walking in the room. "What's all the racket out here?!"

"Oh, it's the just a customer checking out that piano." Henry pointed to the girl playing the piano.

"Hey! Hey, you!" My dad turned to the little girl which made the girl stop playing. "Haven't you learned how to play that crummy song yet?!"

The little girl frowned with tears in her eyes, running out of the store.

"Dad!" I turned to my dad.

"Must you torture the children?" Charlotte crossed her arms.

"Just forget everything!" My dad groaned. "Stupid super anniversary." My dad walked to the back room but stopped when the knob on the counter came off. "This knob is still loose!" My dad walked off.

"Well, I see why Gooch and Schowz got out of here." Charlotte huffed.

"I know, right?" Henry rolled his eyes.

Henry Danger: Captain Man's Daughter ¹Where stories live. Discover now