Super Volcano

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Audrey's POV

"Hey, guys. What's the poops?" Henry walked in the Man Cave from the elevator.

"We're all gonna die." My dad told Henry.

"What?" Henry immediately stopped walking.

"You're not going to die!" Charlotte reminded.

"You're indestructible." Schowz scoffed.

"We're all gonna die." I stood up from the small steps.

"Well, it's still bad for me!" My dad yelled. "Who am I gonna talk to when you're all dead?"

"Woah, woah! What is going on here?" Henry asked.

"That." Schowz put a picture of the volcano on the monitor screen.

"What is that?" Henry squinted his eyes.

"That is a super volcano. 50 miles below the surface of the earth, right under this town." My dad sighed.

"Oh." Henry shrugged. "Hey, do you guys think I should get my teeth whitened?"

"Henry!" I crossed my arms.

"Your teeth?" My dad looked at Henry.

"Are you crazy?" Schowz scoffed. "Two days from now that volcano is going to pop, like a big, red-hot throbbing pimple."

"Ew." Charlotte gagged.

"Billions of tons of hot lava will spew from the ground and melt everything." My dad got up and walked to Henry.

"You mean melt all of Swellview?" Henry panicked.

"All of the whole world!" Schowz corrected.

"But I just ordered a new bike online." Henry complained.

"When does it get here?" Schowz asked.

"Next week." Henry whined.

We all shook our head, looking at Henry.

"Oh, man!" Henry panicked. "The whole world is going to end? You're sure of this?"

"Yes." Schowz walked to the monitor.

"Schowz has been watching the volcano, monitoring the vibrations, and doing all those calculations." My dad pointed to the clear white board.

"How much time do we have left?" Charlotte asked.

Schowz pressed a button on the monitor desk and a time came up.

"Just under two days." My dad turned to us.

"Oh, oh, jeez!" Henry panicked. "I got to tell my mom and my dad! And my cousins! And everyone!" Henry started to run to the elevator but my dad used one of his weapons to pull Henry back.

"You could've just said, 'Henry come back'." Henry rolled his eyes.

"It's better if people don't know about the volcano." My dad told Henry.

"Why?" Henry asked.

"So they can spend their last two days living their normal lives." Charlotte explained.

"Right." My dad agreed. "Enjoying the simple, important things like, petting their dogs, and watching television, and going on the internet and expressing strong opinions based on little or no knowledge or information."

"I do that." Schowz pointed out.

"Well, if I only have two days left on this earth, I know what I'm doing." I made my way to the ring door. "Harry Potter and One Direction, here I come."

Henry Danger: Captain Man's Daughter ¹Where stories live. Discover now