Indestructible Henry & Audrey: Part 1

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Audrey's POV

I jumped inside a clock store with Captain Man and Kid Danger.

"Hi! We're here!" Kid Danger announced.

"Especially me." Captain Man said.

"No, especially me!" I smiled.

"Oh! Captain Man and Kid Danger and Quick Shot!" The lady exclaimed. "I'm so glad to see you! We're so scared!"

"I am Jafoon!" The man yelled.

"Well, hi, Jafoon." Captain Man waved. "I'm Captain Man. These are my sidekicks, Kid Da—"

"Can we please meet Jafoon later?!" I angrily asked.

"Right." Captain Man agreed.

"K, what's the emergency?!" Kid Danger asked the woman.

"Yeah, tell us what's going on." I agreed.

"Okay, okay! I was here, working with Jafoon." She began.

"I'm Jafoon!" Jafoon said.

"And— and I got a phone call from some weirdo who said was a C-five disrupted somewhere in my store!"

Captain Man turned to her. "A C-five disrupter?"

"Is that bad? She asked.

"Well, one a scale of C-one to C-ten, it's about a five." Kid Danger said.

"Wh— what does that mean?" The woman asked.

"That it could destroy this entire store!" I gasped.

Jafoon screamed.

"Kid Danger, call the police!" Captain Man demanded.

"On it." Kid Danger replied.

"Ma'am, you and Jafoon have to get outta here!" I told Jafoon and the woman.

"I am Jafoon!" Jafoon said.

"We know!" Kid Danger yelled.

"Come on!" The woman yelled and ran out of the store with Jafoon.

"Did you get the police?" Captain Man asked Kid Danger.

"Nah, it went to voice-mail." Kid Danger replied.

"Ah, just hang up!"

Kid Danger hung up and put his phone in his pocket.

The beeping started to intensify and Captain Man had a panic look on his face.

"Ah, it's so loud!" Kid Danger complained.

"Yeah, that's the C-five disrupter!" Captain Man remarked.

"Well, we got to find it before it blows!" I told them.

We all started to search the store for the C-five disrupter.

"Kids, we gotta get out of here!" Captain Man yelled.

Kid Danger broke a clock and a piece of glass hit my ankle.

"That was my ankle!" I screamed.

"Wait!" Kid Danger yelled as he found a red clock.

"What are you doing?!" Captain Man asked.

Kid Danger opened the clock to find wires inside it.

"That's it! That's the C-five disrupter!" Captain Man yelled.

"Well, how do we turn it off?!" I asked.

"Oh, come on!" Captain Man yelled as he couldn't turn it off.

Henry Danger: Captain Man's Daughter ¹Where stories live. Discover now