Green Fingers

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Audrey's POV

Today, when I woke up, I felt horrible. Like I mean, really bad. I had chills, my nose was runny, I had a fever, I had shortness of breath, my throat was sore, and I was weak. Very weak. Did I mention weak?

I've never felt so bad in my life. Charlotte was suffering from the same illness. I could barely get to the Man Cave couch, I had to make my dad carry me and wrap a blanket around me. I hope Henry isn't sick.

I was shivering in my blanket as I watched Charlotte scroll on the monitor. Jasper and my dad were painting a sculpture of my dad, who was also fine.

"You holdin' up okay, Drey?" My dad asks me, and I nod while my teeth chattered.

"I'm hanging there," I reply and he kisses the top of my head. He walks back over to his sculpture and I cough. My throat was becoming more and more irritated.

I hear coughing and I look up to see Henry walking inside. Oh, no. Henry's sick too.

"Hey everybody." Henry greets in his raspy voice. He drops his backpack onto the floor.

"Hi, Henry." My dad cheerfully replies.

"Hi, Hen." I groan and cuddle my blanket more to get warmer. But everything I did to attempt to get warmer did nothing.

"Is everyone sick?" He asks and I sneeze in my arm.

"Only me and Charlotte," I answer and gesture at her pile of tissues scattered across the floor.

"That's gross," Henry comments and sits down next to me. He gets under the blanket and I rest my head on his chest and he wraps his arms around my body. Not even Henry could warm me up.

"Hey everybody!" Schwoz cheerfully greets and walks inside with a tray of some sort of food.

"Hey what's up?"

"Hey, Schwoz."


"Since it's Saturday morning, look what I brought! Cupcakes!" Schwoz shows us all his cupcakes and I shake my head.

The thought of eating in my condition made me want to throw up. I shut my eyes as a headache began to develop. Henry rubs my head and I try my best to relax but I was shaking.

"Hey, Charlotte, grab me one, would ya?" Jasper points to the cupcakes and she gets up and reaches for a cupcake.

Schwoz screams and throws the cupcakes in the air. I pick my head up and look at Schwoz to see what the hell just happened. I see Schwoz covering his nose and mouth.

"Ahh, the cupcakes!" Jasper cries out.

"Dang it, Schwoz!" My dad shouts. "Would you mind keeping it down?! My daughter is sick!"

Schwoz runs to the door and says, "Everything's fine." He exits the room and I readjust my position. The headache was starting to kick in.

"What's goin' on with him?" My dad asks us.

"I dunno," Charlotte replies. "He's kinda acting--" She stopped talking and began to throw a coughing fit.

"Ugh, am I gonna have to listen to that all day?" My dad asks us all. Sorry dad for being sick, but it's not our fault!

"Uh, hey, ya know my whole family's sick, too?" Henry asks us while Charlotte blew her nose.

"No." My dad replied and continued to work on his Captain Man sculpture.

I lift my head. "Jasper, how are feeling?"

"Great. Just getting a little tired of holding these paints." He answered.

Henry Danger: Captain Man's Daughter ¹Where stories live. Discover now