Henry's Jelly

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Audrey's POV

"And then Jasper got to go on the news and— and everyone thinks he's so awesome and it's so not fair." Henry complained. My dad kicked Bork in the knee but Bork dodged which made my dad throw him onto the floor.

"Down you go." My dad stood back up and got ready to pounce again.

"Are you guys listening to me?" Henry asked, being irritated.

"I am." I remarked, kinda lying. I was focusing on my dad. I pulled my eyes away from him and looked back at Henry.

"I'm not." Charlotte recalled and continued to do her work on the monitor. She seemed annoyed with Henry.

"I just don't get what you're upset about." I admitted, shrugging at him.

"What's not to get?" Henry sat down next to me on the couch. "Charlotte gets it."

"No she doesn't." Charlotte corrected.

"Well, Jasper did basically nothing and suddenly everyone in Swellview think he's a hero." Henry argued and turned back to me. "And I capture bad guys with you and Ray all the time and no one gives me any credit."

"You get credit all the time!" I huffed.

"Yeah. The Vice Mayor gave us those medals and a gift card for a medium frozen yogurt." My dad chimed in while he continued to wrestle Bork.

"No, Kid Danger gets the credit and the medals and the yogurt." Henry protested. "But I spend most of my life as Henry Hart and no one knows I do anything."

"Just a second." My dad said and grabbed Bork's arm and threw him onto the floor and then jumped back up. "Man, I'm good."

Charlotte stood up and crossed her arms. "You know, Bork isn't even trying."

"What? Yes he is." My dad objected. "You're trying your hardest, right?"

"Mm." Bork shook his head.

Henry huffed and threw his arms in frustration, slouching in the chair.

"Oh, really?" My dad glared. "Okay. Well, then I want you to start trying your hardest right now."

"Mm?" Bork gave my dad a face.

"Yeah." My dad nodded. "Come on, Bork. Let's see what you got. Let's see if you're fast enough to catch—"

Bork aggressively punched my dad into the face with caused him to fall onto the floor.

I let out some giggles with Charlotte and Henry as we watched my dad struggle to stand back up.

"I slipped." My dad assured when he finally stood up. "All right, my friend, let's try that again. Yeah, and I'm ready this time, so, you better be careful, better watch out. It's coming in fast, Bork. Come on, show me your best move. What you got? Come on!"

Bork punched my dad in the face once again and made him fall onto the floor. We laughed again and my dad stood up.

"Okay, Bork, I think you've had enough. I'm going to hit the shower." My dad began to walk to the back room.

"You can't wash off the pain!" I recalled as my dad left.

Now, it was just Henry, Charlotte, and I in the Man Cave.

Charlotte spun on the monitor chair and put on the news.

"And we have some exciting news from the Mayor's office." Mary said, the news reporter.

"Ah! No way!" I exclaimed.

"What?" Henry turned to Charlotte and I.

"Uh— nothing." I remarked. "It's not about Jasper."

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