Jasper Danger

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Audrey's POV

It was finally Halloween, and for this special occasion I decided to dress up as a dead bee. Creative, right?

Charlotte and Henry came out of the elevator and their costumes on. I glanced over at them, examining what they decided to be. Charlotte was macaroni and cheese while Henry was a zombie tennis player.

"What the heck are you supposed to be?" Henry looked at my costume, grimacing at how gory it was.

"A dead bee, duh." I answered nonchalantly. "Have you seen your costume? You look like a freak."

"Yeah, I have seen it and it's super good. I'm a genius."

Charlotte and I rolled our eyes at Henry's ego.

My dad jumped out with a lobster costume and a cheerleading dress. "Happy Halloween! Look, I'm a cheer lobster!" He started to dance around.

"Cheer lobster?" I questioned and stood with Charlotte and Henry.

"Is that, like, a thing?" Henry asked as well.

"Yeah, it's a thing." My dad shot back. "Look. Go team! Please don't boil me or use a tiny fork to remove my flesh and eat me!" He clicked his lobster claws.

"You look more like a lobster than a cheerleader." I observed, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Well, there was no room for the lobster boobs."

"Why did you beep Henry?" Charlotte lifted up Henry's wrist.

"So you guys could come see my cool costume."

"Aw, Ray. I had to zap my little sister to come here." Henry groaned.

"You killed her?" My dad asked.

"No. I just stunned her." Henry explained. "Wait— I think it was set to stun. Stun is blue and kill is red, right?"

"I don't know." I shrugged. "I can never remember."

"Can we please go trick or treating?" Charlotte groaned.

"Yeah, I wanna go." I grinned.

"Yeah, let's go." Henry responded.

The emergency alert siren went off.

"Uh-oh, trouble." My dad tried to lift up the remote but dropped it because of his lobster claws. "Oh, shellfish!" My dad pressed the button. "What's up, Gooch?"

"You just received a video." Gooch said.

"From who?" My dad asked.

"From a man who claims to have captured Kid Danger." Gooch reasoned.

We turned to Henry then back at the monitor.

"Play the video." My dad said.

Gooch put on the video on the monitor.

A man with a beard and a hat came on the screen. "Hey, Captain Man and Quick Shot. It's your old friend—"

"Pause!" My dad yelled and the video gets paused. "Ugh, Jeff!" My dad clicked his lobster claws. "That guy is so stupid!"

"How do you know him?" Henry questioned.

"He's been a petty thief in Swellview for years." My dad turned to Henry. "I put him in jail, like, a dozen times." My dad looked back at the monitor. "Resume play."

The video started to play again and Jeff started to speak again. "So, guess what? I kidnapped your sidekick."

"Aw, please don't be Jasper. Please don't be Jasper." Henry pleaded.

Henry Danger: Captain Man's Daughter ¹Where stories live. Discover now