The Tinder box part 1

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Ash/Tsubaki sat on Belkia's lap in fox form as Krys sat on the couch sipping coffee. Ash looked at Krys and smirked. The servamp was in  a rare mood, and felt like listening to one of his eves stories. "Ne tell us a story Krys."He said softly looking at her. Krys looked at her servamp. "Ah you sure? I guess I could tell one..."She said thinking of which story to tell. "Make the hero of the story a male this time instead of female."The servamp added.Shamrock raised an eyebrow having heard from his servamp how well she tells stories.
    "Okay,how about The Tinder box?" She replied settling on one of the stories she knew of with a male hero in it.Ash tilted his head.  "Tinder box?"He asked curiously. Krys nodded and smiled. "It's an old fairytale about a magical tinder box.A tinder box is something people use to use to light matches and fires." She explained to the servamp and subclass.Ash titled head then rested his head on Belkia's lap to listen to the story,

"The story begins long ago in a far away land. A young soldier named Eric was coming home after the war his country had been through. On his way home he spotted an old witch standing by a tree stump.The witch stopped him and asked him if he could help her.He asked her what could he do for an old witch like her,and what would be in it for him?The witch explained that the tree trunk lead down to a cave.Inside the cave was a tinder box her mother left there many years ago and she wishes to have it back.But alas she was too old and fat to climb down the tunnel to get the box.So she needed someone younger and thinner like him to do it.She also explained there was many treasures inside the cave.In return for his help he could take all he could carry with him and keep it,as long as he gives her the tinder box."
   As she spoke Ash closed his eyes listening to her tale.Shamrock also seemed somewhat interested.  "Don't do it,it's a trap!" Belkia shouted getting excited by the story.Ash laughed softly at his subclass' reaction.Krys smiled then continued her story.

"The soldier thought about it then agreed to her terms since he was very poor and needed money. The witch then explained to him the layout of the cave. "In the first chamber there is a room filled with copper coins.But it is guarded by a dog with eyes as big as saucers.But don't mind him.He wont harm you if you dont harm him.All you have to do is set him on my apron then take the coins you wish.The second chamber is filled with silver coins.And a dog with eyes as big as wheels.Again dont mind him.He will just stare at you.Just pick him up and set him on my apron so you can take all the coins you wish.The third room has the tinder box.Also it is filled with gold coins.Take the tinder box and as much coin as you can carry.That room is guarded by a dog with eyes as big as Millstones.again pay him no heed for he wont harm you.Just do to him as you did to the other two."
   The witch explained to the young soldier.Eric nodded and took her apron and a lantern to go down into the cave.As he reached the first chamber it was as the witch described.Large and full of copper coins.The soldier looked at the dog and was nervous.He laid the apron down and reached for the dog. "My what big eyes you have sir.You must see allot of things."He remarked as he picked it up and set it on the apron.He then began to pocket all the coins he could carry.Once done he set the dog back where it belonged took the apron and left for the second chamber.Again it was as the with described. "My you sure are a looker." He commented to the dog as he picked it up setting it on the apron.He then pockets all the silver coins he could carry." Krys continued her story sipping coffee.

"Such dogs would frighten me!I'd skewer them then take the coins."Belkia remarked. "But they may be useful later on in the story,or even immortal Belkia.Killing something just because you don't like the way it looks is not right."Shamrock explained.Krys nodded in agreement with him,as did Ash. "Ne such creatures may be interesting to meet."Ash thought aloud.Krys laughed softly. "Perhaps.But their starring may be unsettling."She said then returned to her story.
    "After filling his pockets and satchel with coins he put the dog back and went to the third chamber,There was a room filled with gold coins,a tinder box,and a dog with eyes as big as Millstones.The eyes were so big they seemed to roll around as it stared at the soldier. "Now you musn't stare so hard.It is rude and could hurt your eyes."The soldier told the dog as he picked it up and set it on the apron.He then took the tinder box,emptied his pockets of all the copper and silver coins,then proceeded to fill every pocket satchel and even his boots with gold coins.Once done he put the dog back in its place and left the cave to meet up with the witch." Kry said softly.

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