His name is Ashur.

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When Tsubaki woke up he looked around realizing he was still at the ladies house now in fox form sleeping at the table. The woman was nowhere to be seen and he wondered if after he fell asleep she ran off to save herself from him. Maybe call the police as well? He smiled at the idea of police trying to stop him. Melancholy was curious as to why he fell asleep so suddenly though. His train of thought was interrupted by the sound of a shower starting.
   "Eh she is still here?" He wondered aloud and scampered to the bathroom and peeked inside for a moment* He could see the silhouette of the woman standing in the shower the curtains covering her. He looked away blushing slightly not the type to be peeking on a woman who is naked.
   He decided to look around the house while she showered. Tsubaki looked around the small house seeing not much. A single tv which was outdated and small, some kitchen supplies in the kitchen,a single couch and table and lamp in living room but nothing else. And in the bedroom was a sleeping bag on the floor instead of a bed. "Hmm...kinda sad." He said softly looking around. He then remembered something he noticed about her hands while she told the stiry. She wore a wedding ring. But there was no other sign here she was married. No pictures, no husband, not even a second sleeping bag for a spouse. "Odd."
    As he looked around he noticed something. The shower was no longer running. Suddenly he heard the footsteps of the woman approaching the bedroom. He froze and didn't know what to do. Should he take human form and confront her, or stay in fox form and hide? The door opened all the way and the woman stepped in seing Tsubaki in his fox form. "Eh? A fox?" She asked curious as to why a small fox was in her room. She was wearing some new clean cloths,a white shirt and light colored jeans.
   She leaned down and gently picked Tsubaki up. "Heh, you are cute. But where did you come from little one? Wait,maybe you belong to that man from last night? Maybe he is still here..." The woman wondered aloud and went to the kitchen. Seeing no sign of the mystery man she sighed and looked at Tsubaki. "Odd you have two tails...though it makes you kinda cuter than a normal fox."She said softly. Tsubaki*tilted head and looks at her. "Hehe she thinks I am just some harmless cute fox."" He thought.
   Tsubaki decided to play along and see where this would go with the woman. The woman sat down on the couch petting Tsubaki thinking to herself. Tsubaki looked at her than at the table noticing there was a single picture. It was of a dog that oddly looked allot like him,only it had one tail and floppy ears. "That is Ashur. He was my old dog when I was younger." The woman explained. "You look allot like him." She added.

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