Lil cap o' rushes. prt 1

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Ash looked at the woman feeling bored again. As his eyes scanned her he saw something he didn't notice the night before. Her right eye has a discoloration scar around it, clearly not new but old. He tilted his head wondering why he missed it the night before...and why she had such a scar but decided not to ask her. After all he wasn't in the mood to get too personal with her. But there was one thing he wanted to know.  "Your name?" He asked nervously. The woman looked at him. "Krystine Grene. But you can call me Krys." She answered him. "Odd name, must be European." Ash decided quietly to himself.

"Tell me another story." He said after a few moments of awkward silence. :"That is if you know anymore. If not I am bored with you." He added. "Of course i know more stories. I can tell you one I guess. Just give me a moment to think of a good one." Krys said softly. She began to realize the more bored this man got the more danger she was in. So the only way to stay safe was to entertain him. And hopefully after the twenty four hours passed he would leave her alone. "Fine. Don't take too long thinking. Oh...and don't make this one as dark as the last one." Ash told her. He liked the last one just wanted something with less death in it this time.

   Krys though silently for a few moments then smiled* "Ever heard of Lil cap O' rushes? It is a fairy tale about a daughters love for her father being tested." Krys told him. He looked at her and shook his head. "Never heard of it." He said. "Well then I will tell you the story." She smiled and made herself a cup of coffee before sitting down to tell him.

"The story takes place in Europe many years ago. There was a rich merchant and his three lovely daughters who lived together in a very nice house in the woods just outside the kingdom they lived in. Now the father loved his girls but had a terrible fear they only loved him for his money. Since he was rich and able to buy them anything they desired her feared they did not truly love him. just what he gave them. So one day he decided to put their love to a test. 

So he took the eldest to his study and asked her how much she loved him. She responded that she loved him more than life itself. He was satisfied with that answer and did the same with the second oldest. She answered that she loved him more than the world itself. Again he was satisfied. But then he brought his youngest daughter to the study and asked her the same question. Her answer was simple...but infuriating for him. She responded to him "I love you more than meat needs salt." Confused thinking she took this as a joke he was furious and not thinking straight he kicked her out of the house into the cold wilderness with nothing but the clothes on her back." Krys said drinking her coffee.

"EH!?What sorta answer is that anyways?I would be mad too...but kicking her out seems a little harsh." Ash stated listening to the story.

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