The Tinder Box part 3

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Shamrock listened carefully to Krys telling the story.He felt a bit of nostalgia as he listened. Though the one eyed subclass couldn't quite remember,he was pretty sure he heard this tale many years ago in his youth back in Germany.Perhaps his mother told it to him once?Either way,hearing Krys telling this story made him feel warm inside.A feeling he hadn't had in a long time.
   Krys looked down at her cup of coffee noticing it was almost empty. "So while in the city the soldier heard rumors of the kings daughter who was said to be the prettiest person alive.But there was a problem.No one was allowed to look at her or they would be killed by the king and queen.The reason for this was the princess' fairy godmother had warned the king and queen the girl was destined to marry a commoner and not a prince.So to prevent that no citizen was able to be near her.Hearing the rumor of her beauty the soldier decided he must see her for himself.So that night he summoned the three dogs and ordered them to bring him the princess.So later that night the dogs sneaked into the castle and gently brought the princess to the soldier.But The princess' hand maid saw this and followed close behind unseen.Once she saw which house the princess was brought into she drew a red X on the door to mark it as the kidnapper.She then went back to the castle." Krys explained to the two subclass and Ash.

"Oh no the soldier is going to get killed!"Belkia gasped. Ash tilted head to the side listening to the story. "Now once the soldier got to see the princess and speak with her he had the dogs carry her back to the castle before the king and queen would know she was gone.But one of the dogs saw the red X and clever as he was drew a red X on every door on that street so no one would know which door the soldier lived behind.Weeks passed and the soldier was fine.But soon his desire to see the princess again grew to strong.So again he sent the dogs to get her.This time the queen layed a trap to catch the kidnapper.She tied a small bag to the princess' ankle and filled the bag with rice.Then cut a hole in the bag so the rice would leave a trail showing where the princess was.Unfortunately for the soldier the dog didn't notice this,and the next morning the king and queen followed the trail and had the soldier arrested to be executed for daring to kidnap the princess,even though the princess objected and had fallen in love with him."
   "He is so dead."Belkia muttered.Ash laughed then sighed.  "Not interesting." Krys smiled and finished her coffee. "The next morning the soldier was to be executed.While sitting in his cell waiting his death he saw a young boy running by the prison.He called out to the boy through the window. "Hey boy.Would you like a gold coin?I'll give you one if you fetch me my tinder box from my home where I left it when I got arrested." Now being a poor child and eager to earn a gold coin the boy agreed and rushed to the soldiers house grabbed the tinder box and brought it to him.The soldier thanked him and paid him for the service.Once the soldier was brought to the hangmans noose that morning he held tightly to his tinder box.As they were about to put the rope around his neck he declared. "May I have a last request?Even the most hardened of criminals are allowed a final smoke before death.That is all I ask." His request seemed hamrless enough so the king and queen nodded to the executioner saying he could."

Belkia jumped up in excitement. "He's going to escape!" He declared loudly. From the other room Sakuya yelled out "Be quiet you clown I'm listening to music!" Belkia sat down quietly and nervously smiled.  "So the soldier held the tinder box and struck it multiple times summoning all three dogs before him.He then cried out "Help me I am about to be hanged!"The dogs wanting nothing but to serve their master began attacking the executioner and the guards watching killing anyone who tried to hurt the soldier.The king and queen watched in horror but were still too stubborn and declared they would die before letting the soldier marry their daughter.So the dogs attacked them as well.The onlookers seeing this begged the soldier to stop his dogs before they too were killed. They cried out "Please spare us and be our king.Marry the princess we will serve you just call off the dogs!" The soldier obliged and had the dogs stop attacking.He then soon married the princess as the fairy godmother had fortold.He and his new bride lived a long happy life,and he only summoned the dogs when he wished to feed them or give them belly rubs for being good boys." Krys smiled finishing her story.
   Ash began laughing then sighed. "Almost interesting.Belkia nodded in agreement.  "Do you know any other stories?" He asked eagerly. "I know many stories."She told him. "What about the Brehmen Town Musicians?"Shamrock asked quietly.Krys looked at him and nidded. "That is one of the first stories I learned."She replied. "Perhaps you can tell us that one tomorrow."Ash said stretching out taking human form.

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