Tam' and Cam part two

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"Now,a month later the young king threw a grand ball for everyone in the city. It didn't matter if you were a rich noble or a poor commoner,everyone was invited. Tam was excited hearing this thinking she finally had a chance to have some fun and begged her step mother to let her go. Her step mother agreed she could go, under a few conditions. She finished all her normal chores, sorted all the dried beans and rice,, and found herself some decent clothes to wear. Tam tried her best while Cam and her stepmother got ready for the ball.
   It soon became obvious to poor Tam as her stepmother and half sister left that she was not going to go to the ball since she could not find any clothes or finish sorting the beans and rice. As she began to cry the goddess of mercy appeared once more and had birds of all kinds fly and help sort the beans and rice for Tam'.She then told Tam to dig up the jars with the fish remains in them. Tam rushed to her room to obey the goddess unsure why she was to do this. 
   As she opened each jar she was surprised to find what was inside. One Jar had jewelry for her to wear,one had a dress,one had a pair of beautiful golden slippers,and one had a tiny horse that slowly began to grow to normal horse size. Tam thanked the goddess of mercy put on the shoes dress and Jewelry and rode the horse to the palace to go to the ball."
   Tsubaki tilted his head having finished his tea. He was now trying to image all those things coming out of small jars and a mini horse turning into a full grown regular horse. This thought made him laugh for a moment before he sighed and said, "Not interesting,."
    The woman raised an eyebrow then continued the story.   "As Tam rode the horse to the palace she jumped over a stream and lost on of her slippers. The slipper rode the stream all the way to the palace reaching there before she did. The King saw the slipper and picked it up out of the water and admired its beauty and small size. He then and there declared whoever owned this slipper must be even prettier than it,and therefor shall be his bride. As he finished stating this aloud to his guests Tam appeared on her horse wearing the matching slipper.
   She indeed was ten times more beautiful than the slipper and the king fell in love  upon seeing her. He proposed right there and then and surprised but overjoyed she agreed to be his wife. Now her stepmother and half sister were jealous and furious but there was nothing they could do about it. That night the party was turned into Tam and the Kings wedding and they were married."
   Tsubaki was about to get to his feet and summon his katana again. The story was nice but not interesting enough and now it was clearly done since Tam got her happily ever after...right?
"What are you doing the story is not over yet." The woman stated. Tsubaki looked at her confused. "But she married the king. She has a happily ever after. The end right?" Tsubaki asked confused. "Who said happily ever after?I didn't say it. This is not the end,nor is she going to live happily ever after just because she got married to a king." The woman explained. Tsubaki shrugged and sat back down. "Okay then what happens next?"

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