Goodbye Krys Grene.

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Belkia was still uneasy about the new eve. But Shamrock and Higan seemed to trust the servamp's decision,and Otogiri agreed it may be useful for him. Though Sakuya was furious. He could tell by looking at Krys she was not the type to deal in a vampire war. She reminded him a bit of Mahiru, but maybe more naive. He feared this young lady would die quickly,either by the war,or by Tsubaki himself. After Sakuya ran off As turned to Shamrock.  "May you show her to an empty room where she can stay?" He asked Shamrock. Shamrock nodded. "Yes young master. Please follow me miss."He said leading Krys away to the bedroom areas where she could stay. "Do you prefer a view or anything in particular for your room?"Shamrock asked her politely. Krys shook her head no. "Any room will do. Even a small room is fine. I don't have much belongings." She told him.

Shamrock nodded and led her to one of the smaller rooms,though despite its size it was one of the nicer rooms on that hotel floor. It even had a nice view and balcony overlooking the city. "It's also close to young master's room so your distance limitation wont effect you."Shamrock explained to her. She bowed as a thank you and watched the butler like subclass leave.  He seems nice. But very proper.Much like an old time butler.Though his accent,I believe it to be german.  She thought to herself watching him leave. Krys found herself smiling,albeit only slightly,but still it was odd for her to smile. Maybe staying here would be better for her. But it was too early to tell.

"The kid seems nice I guess Tsubaki.But can she fight?Does she even have a weapon yet?I mean if something were to happen she needs to know how to defend herself."Higan said calmly smoking. "No she doesn't have a weapon yet. But I think she can fight.She seems to have a strong spirit in her. I can sense it."Ash explained to his subclass. "Also I was hoping you and the others could teach her to defend herself."He added. "Fine I guess this old man can teach her some moves."Higan said. Shamrock nodded. "I will do my best to train her so she can defend both herself and you young master." Ash smiled listening to his subclass.He was happy that at least most of them were being accepting of Krys. And he was sure Sakuya would eventually learn to accept her.

Krys began to set up her things in her new room.She put her clothes away in the closet,put her books on the nightstand along with her computer,and hid her wallet in a drawer.She then looked at a picture she had brought with her.She didn;t know why she brought it.All it did was remind her of her past.She was holding onto something she should just let go of,at least thats how she felt.The picture was of her smiling happily,wearing a wedding dress standing next to a handsome young man in a tuxedo.Looking at this picture she then looked at her left ring finger where there was still a white mark where the ring once was.

 Though the photo was of her,it looked different than she did now. For one she looked truly happy,which she clearly was not now. She was a little heavier in the picture too suggesting she has lost weight since the image was taken. And, in the image there was no scar under her right eye,unlike now which a scar was visible even with some makeup covering it.She sighed looking at the picture then tossed it in the trash. "I need to forget about all that.I am starting over now.I am no longer Krystine Grene. I am now Krys Schmidt."She said softly to herself with some confidence.Though there was a hint of uncertainty in her voice.

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