To kill the new eve or not to kill.

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(Note from author: This fanfic goes along with the story line of the anime and not manga. Therefor Mikuni is still Tsubaki's enemy. It also takes plaxe some time after the last episode of the anime so none of the other servamps or eves have seen Tsubaski in a while.)

Mikuni sat in  the restaurant surprised he was actually invited to this meeting. Usually his brother Misono either pretends he does not exist or calls him names. So inviting him to a meeting with all the other eves and servamps was shocking for Mikuni. He looked at Misono who was avoiding looking his direction. JeJe sat under the table hiding in human form, upset with Mikuni for denying him blood as usual. 
   It was actually Mahiru's idea to invite Mikuni. and though Misono objected the cowboy eve was still allowed to come. "So what is this meeting about? I have a piano recital in three hours so this better not take long." Licht said as Hyde sat on his lap in hedgehog form. Ever since he got broke Hyde had staid in his pet form more often than not. He was able to take human form now but he seemed to prefer pet form. "It's about Tsubaki." Hugh stated, being the one who decided to call this meeting,and arranged it with the sloth duo.
    "What did he do this time?" Mikuni asked playing with Abel his doll.  "We're not positive. But according to one of my subclass, it seems, Tsubaki has formed a contract. With an eve he may be more powerful and dangerous than before." High said calmly.  "What?! Who would be crazy enough to form a contract with that bastard!?" Misono gasped in shock. Mahiru was also surprised considering Tsubaki had mentioned before no one could control him. So who was brave and crazy enough to forma  contract with the servamp of melancholy.
   "That's the problem. According to my subclass no one knows who she is. She appears to be a foreigner. But she does not appear to be vacationing here, nor a immigrant. At least not a legal immigrant. There is no known records of this woman. We don't know her name, age, country of origin, or anything like that. It's like she suddenly just appeared from thin air. We know she is not a subclass because she has human colored eyes. But she spends all her time with Tsubaki now and he seems to be protective of this girl. So we assume this is a servamp eve relationship."Hugh explained.
   "Interesting, a mysterious maiden appears out of nowhere and is able to keep the fox on a leash so to speak? Maybe she is working for C3 and this is some trick of theirs to break Tsubaki? They are good at hiding records and such. So if there is no record of her existence it might be them hiding who she actually is."Mikuni said brushing Abel's hair. "But surely Tsubaki isn;t stupid enough to fall for such a trick right Kuro?"Mahiru said looking at his servamp. The servamp of sloth had been silent listening to this conversation unsure what to think. "A spy or agent for C3,or just some psycho working for Tsubaki. This girl spells trouble. So troublesome I could die..."Kuro yawned looking down.
   "If she really is his eve and loyal to him ,then maybe we should get rid of her."Hyde said,still bitter for having been broken. If Tsubaki formed a contract maybe he cared for this girl,. And if they were to kill her, that would hurt Tsubaki,and make them even for what he did to them. Licht looked at his servamp. "She is in league with the devil. That makes her evil. Perhaps a demon herself.So we should purge her if possible."He said firmly. "But what id she is an innocent?What if Tsubaki tricked her? Killing her is wrong. Simply thinking we should try and communicate with her. not kill her!" Mahiru protested.
   Jeje stayed quiet in his hiding spot.  "Hmm, I agree with the greed duo actually. An eye for an eye so to speak. He nearly killed some of us. He broken Lawless and almost killed him. I highly doubt this woman is a fool. She knows she is dealing with a killer and doesn't care that she is helping him. She may even be a killer herself. She could be a fugitive from another country and thats why there is no records of her. I say we get rid of her before she poses us any real threats." Mikuni said looking at everyone to see their reactions. Mahiru's eyes widened listening to them.
   "I agree she may be a threat but isnt killing her a little harsh? Maybe turn her over to C3?" Lilly said softly,not comfortable with the idea of killing anyone. "But what if she kills one of us, or helps break another servamp..."Misono mumbled unsure himself what they should do. "Personally I think getting rid of her may be the best solution."Hugh said banging his cane on the table. Though Tetsu was unsure of such an idea. "Wait just a minute! We cannot just kill some human without even knowing if she is dangerous!"Mahiru stated loudly jumping to his feet. Everyone looked at him. "Let us at least try and talk with her. See who's side she is truly on. Maybe we can convince her to help us?"He said sitting back down.
   "Do what you want kid. Talk to her if you can. But if I see her anytime soon , 'll let my lead judge whether or not she dies." Mikuni said getting to his feet. "COme on JeJe lets go. We got work to do" He said putting his arm under the table. JeJe took snake form and coiled around Mikuni's wrist and left with the eve of envy. "Ill see if I can send some of  my stronger subclass after her." Hugh stated leaving with Tetsu. Hyde then got up and left with his eve once the meeting was done. Misono fell asleep since it was past his bedtime and Lilly took him home. Mahiru just sat there in defeat then looked at Kuro.
   "WHy look at me?" He asked wondering why his eve was staring at him. "We have to stop them. She may be a good person who just got mixed up into something bad." Mahiru stated looking his servamp in the eyes. Kuro yawned and then sighed. "Fine. We will talk to her if we can find her before they do. You're so troublesome sometimes I could die." Kuro muttered in cat form jumping on Mahirus shoulder.

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