Melancholy's new Eve.

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Ash woke up about an hour later wondering why he kept falling asleep so easily. "Not normal. Maybe because I haven;t slept much. Been so busy..." He muttered to himself looking around. Krys was still there,no sign that she tried to escape him,or hurt him while he slept. Strange one. It's as if she doesn't care about the danger she is in, or doesn't notice it. No, she isn't stupid. She knows I am dangerous. She just don't care . I can sense it. This woman is greatly depressed. Maybe...maybe she sees me as a way out?  Ash wondered tilting his head looking at her. Krys sat at the kitchen table working on a cheap old laptop,that he would be surprised if it managed to get any internet or wifi.

Tsubaki jumped up by her still in fox form and looked at her screen seeing a bunch of words written out in English. "What are you doing?" He asked her, genuinely curious about this human he has formed a temporary contract with. "Editing a book." She responded. "Oh so that's what you do for a living? Edit stories. That explains how you know so many." Ash said softly. Krys opened her mouth to correct him about what she actually did,but shut it quickly.She' rather not go into the boring details of her pathetic life with her unique home invader.

"So there are more like you right? More vampires here in Japan? Or are you all alone here?" Krys asked looking at him and closing her laptop. "Oh no I am far from being the only one here. Most of my siblings are here,quite a few of their subclass,and of course my subclass are here. By the way,subclass is term for a vampire created by a servamp. Just so you know."Ash explained to her. "Siblings? So you have a family? What are they like?" She asked.  "Boring."Was all Ash felt like responding. Krys shrugged and looked down. "So I have no more stories right now. If you wait a few hours or a day I might have more to tell you. But right now I am too tired. And since the only reason you didn;t kill me to begin with is my stories,what will happen now? You gonna just kill me,wait for more stories or leave?" She asked him.

As she spoke she had no sadness or fear in her voice. Just sounded like someone asking a question as normal as "what's for supper?" Ash looked at her surprised by her question and tilted his head examining her face for any sign of emotion. There was some sorrow by the eyes,and frown lines around her lips. "Well right now I can't leave until the temporary contract expires. Or I kill you. See as long as the contract is in order I cannot be too far from you.Almost as if we are tied together."Ash replied looking around her house. "This place is small,and lonely. Why you live here?" He asked. "If you must know it's all I can afford since I moved to Japan. I was born in America.I moved here to get away...from certain people."She replied.

Suddenly Ash had an idea. A wild crazy idea. But, he liked it. "Wanna meet some more vampires? And live somewhere other than this dump?" He asked looking her in the eye. "Eh?"Was all she could say. Ash smirked. "You proved yourself interesting to me. I usually don't like humans,and never find them interesting. It's rare to find someone that I both like and find interesting. So killing you would be a waste. And leaving you here is pointless since you might run away or something. So I will make you my permanent eve and bring you where I live!"He exclaimed. 

"I don;t know.I mean is there room where you live for me? I might get in the way or be a neusance.Or you might get bored of me."She stuttered surprised anyone would find her interesting enough to keep around."All you have to do is say yes,and you can start a whole new life with me and my family."He said with a smile. Her eyes widened as he mentioned starting a new life.  Why not? It's not like i have much of a life left,and,even if this is a trick the worst thing he can do is kill me right?This might be my only chance to disappear.  Krys thought then nodded her head in agreement with him. Ash smirked then bit her hand drawing enough blood to drink and form the contract. A bright red glowing chain appeared connecting the back of his neck to her left wrist. Krys stared at it in shock unsure what to do,but then the chains broke and vanished since she and he were not in battle or any danger. "The contract is official.Now I am your servamp!"Ash grinned taking human form.

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