Tam' and Cam prt three

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"Well almost a year passed after Tam' married the king when she went to visit her old home and pay respects to her fathers grave on the anniversary of his death. While there her stepmother made a wicked plan to make Cam the new queen and get rid of Tam'. She told Tam' to collect some nuts from a very high tree to put on the tomb of her father as an offering. Seeing no reason not to do so Tam' climbed the tree to collect the nuts. Once she reached the top her stepmother handed Cam an ax and told her to quickly cut down the tree. Cam did so and Tam' feel to her death.
   Cam then rushed to the palace to deliver the news Tam died in a horrible accident and offer herself as a replacement wife for the king. The king so over filled with grief did not question her nor argue and agreed." As the woman said this Tsubakis eyes widened. "EH!?So she died?Thats the end of the story!?"He asked in shock. "No that is not the end either."The woman replied calmly. Tsubaki sighed wondering how long the story is and what could possible be next.
    "Shortly after her death a maid was cleaning the kings armor when a beautiful golden finch appeared and spoke in Tam's voice saying "Be careful with that armor it is my husban'ds favorite set." The maid was in shock and brought the bird to the king. The king knew it to be his wife reincarnated. He kept the beautiful bird in a golden cage and listened to her sing day in and day out ignoring his new wife Cam. Cam was furious and asked her mother what to do. Her mother told her to kill the bird when the king isnt around and eat it. Cam did so and threw the golden feathers out the window."
    Tsubaki facepalmed. "They killed Tam yet again? Poor girl..."Tsubaki thought to himself. The woman poured herself another cup of coffee thinking how to finish the story.
   "Now the feathers landed in a patch of dirt outside the window and over night from the feathers grew a beautiful pear tree that only had one pear. This single pear was too high for anyone to reach and appeared to be made of gold. One day the maid working saw the pair and longing for its beauty said softly to it pleading for it to fall to her.Promising she would not it it but keep it to admire its beauty. The pear suddenly feel from the high branch and landed into her hand.The maid kept her promise and did not eat the pear keeping it at her home to admire when she wasnt at work.
   Every day when the maid got home from work she would find her house clean and a meal cooked for her.She was confused and decided to spy on her house one day instead of going to work. As she spied on her house she watched in shock as a mini woman appeared from the pear and slowly grew into a full grown woman and began cooking and cleaning the house. The maid rushed in and destroyed the pear so the woman could not go back into it and hugged her claiming her as the daughter she always wanted.
   One day a few weeks later the king rode by the maids house and stopped hungry and tired asking her for a meal if she could spare one. She nooded and gave him a plate of food. As he ate it he began to cry saying how much it tasted like the meal his dead wife use to cook. Suddenly from the kitchen out stepped Tam, even more fair and beautiful than she was before she was killed by Cam. The king was in shock but hugged her tight happy to have his wife back and took her straight home. Upon seeing her Cam was in shock as well and gave up all hope of stopping Tam any more. She ran up to her half sister and begged her for her secret on how she was so beautiful so she too could be fair and pretty and find a man.
   Now Tam was a clever...and admittedly angry girl at the time so she said. "Dear sister it is simple. Every morning I just jump into a pot of boiling oil to make my skin more pale and pretty." Cam being the fool she was believed Tam and did it to herself dying an agonizing horrible death. After her death the king ordered Cams remains to be crushed and mixed with a fish paste sauce very popular among the people in his city. He then sent the large jar of the sauce to Tam's stepmother with a note reading "from your daughter".
   The mother would eat the sauce every day not knowing what was in it. One day a crow flew by and said. Yum Yum, mother eating her daughter. Is there any left for me?" This angered the stepmother and she shewed the bird away. But when she looked into the jar she saw her daughters skull and collapsed dead from shock." The woman finished looking at Tsubaki.
   Tsubaki sat there his mouth opened slightly his eyes wide>.  "So..that...that is the end right?" He asked softly. The woman nodded and Tsubaki was about to get to his feet when he felt weird and suddenly fell asleep at the table.

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