Ch. 82 - An Old Friend

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 ~ Chapter 82: An Old Friend ~

[ Jackie’s POV: ]

“We’ll be back before you know it,” Dad told me, as he swung his bag over his shoulder and kissed my forehead.

I pouted.

“Do you guys have to go so soon?” I asked, helping Mom with her bags.

“Oh honey, you know we don’t want to leave,” she said in a saddened tone. “But work is calling and we just can’t ignore it.”

“Well, it was nice seeing you guys,” Robin piped in from behind me as she picked up my mom’s last suitcase.

“And it was nice meeting the two of you,” Justin smiled, carefully placing Dad’s suitcase in the car’s trunk. 

“Nice meeting you too,” Dad smiled. “I hope we can have that rematch you promised me.”

“Anytime,” Justin smirked, shaking hands with him. I looked over at the two men and smiled to myself.

Justin hasn’t been so happy lately since he told me about Katie’s death almost 2 weeks ago. I never said anything about it, or bothered him. I just always made sure he wasn’t alone for too long, because that’s when his mind starts to wander to unhealthy places.

It seems as if he’s been slowly coping with it in his own way, but I don’t expect him to fully forget her just yet. Not with all the guilt he’s been carrying.

But as I watch him right now, in front of me, I can’t help but feel happy to see him happy.

“See you soon, kid,” Dad smiled at me.

“B-bye,” I whispered, hugging him tightly the same way I had done with my Mom earlier.

And, before I knew it, they had left me alone once again. Except this time, I don’t feel as lonely. I’ve got Robin and Justin.

That’s all I need.

“So…” Robin clapped her hands together and looked up at Justin and I. “What now?”

I looked off into the road where Mom and Dad’s car had disappeared and I let out a small sigh.

“Do you guys mind if I take a stroll? I just.. need some fresh air,” I said quietly.

Justin’s eyebrow raised. “You okay? Want me to come with you?”

I shook my head. “No, it’s alright. I’ll be fine.”

“You sure?” Robin added.

“Yeah,” I gave them a smile before waving at them. “See you guys in a few minutes.

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