Ch. 5 - Questions

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~ Chapter 5: Questions ~

[ Jackie’s POV: ]

“Good morning!” Robin greeted me with a mouthful of bread as she sat at the dinner table next to about 3 boxes of pizza.

“Morning?” I raised my eyebrows in confusion, stepping closer to get a better view of her.

“You can help yourself to any flavor you’d like,” she eyed the boxes and I leaned on one of the chairs.

“We’re having pizza for breakfast?” I smiled teasingly.

“Of course we are,” she rolled her eyes. “Is that a problem?”

“Hell no,” I laughed, grabbing a slice and sitting in front of her. “Where are your parents and grandparents?”

“They’re still upstairs sleeping,” she shrugged. “I guess we’re early birdies.”

I let out a chuckle, munching on another piece of my pizza before taking out my phone. I replied to a few messages my mom left me and let her know that I was coming home tomorrow, since Robin’s Dad has to go back to work earlier than he expected.

After I was done replying, I went to my web browsing app and it opened up a website I visited a while ago, about celebrity gossip. I was about to go to Google when Justin’s name on the headliner caught my attention. Removing my finger from the screen, I looked at the title:

Justin Bieber’s Drunken Adventure

I raised an eyebrow, glancing over at Robin to see she was also on her phone, distracted by whoever it was that she was texting. Looking back down at the device in my hands, I curiously tapped the article and began to read.

Pop star Justin Bieber has gotten himself into a mess yesterday night when he was caught leaving a club with his friends Lil Twist and Lil Za. Paparazzi caught up to the three guys and could instantly tell that the young singer was… Drunk?!

As the paparazzi asked some questions, Justin replied to them rudely, calling them “dumbasses” and uttering drunken sentences all meanwhile his friend Twist tried to drag him out of the mess. By the end of the encounter, the “As Long As You Love Me” singer chucked water at the men from the water bottle he held in his hand since he walked out of the club. The whole situation ended in Twist finally convincing the Biebs to leave, as the paparazzi were soaked all thanks to Justin Bieber.

Watch the video below of what happened that night taken by one of the paparazzi and tell us what you guys think. Is Justin Bieber’s career in the verge of being destroyed? Or is he still a sweet little role model for 12 year old girls? Ouch.

I clutched the phone in my hand, wanting to throw it at the wall but kept my composure. This article just made Justin look like a complete jerk and I know there’s another side to this story. I know paparazzi are on his ass lately and they need to just leave him alone and maybe he wouldn’t act the way he does around them. Plus, wasn’t it mentioned that he was drunk? So why are they making him look like the bad guy when all the other paparazzi were sober? Then again, Justin should really watch his actions when he’s out in the public. I mean…

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