~ Epilogue ~

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 ~ Epilogue ~

[ Justin's POV: ]

"What about this dress?" I asked, holding up the piece of clothing so she could get a general view of it. Kenny was beside me, ensuring our safety at such a public place.

"It's too.." she paused, frowning a bit. "Plain."

"Too plain?" I looked at the dress and shrugged, "I like it."

"It has to be more elegant than that." She looked around the store and eyed all the dresses, her cute eyes sparkling at the sight of so many options in front of her.

"Then tell me your definition of elegance, baby," I kissed her cheek.

"I don't know.." she bit her lip." I just... know."

I chuckled. "That did not make any sense."

A smile formed on her face and she rolled her eyes. "It did to me."

I looked over at Kenny, who was looking at nothing in particular and was probably thinking about how he just doesn't understand girls. "Come on, help me out here," I whispered at him, and he just winked at me. Guess I'm on my own then..

There was a sudden gasp beside me and she gripped my hands tightly. "That one!"

I followed the direction she pointed towards to find a slightly pale pink dress that seemed to glisten as it hung proudly on display.

I let out a small smile. "It's beautiful," I whispered. "You'd look amazing in that."

"Right?" she gazed at it in admiration. "I'd look just like a princess."

I stroked her hand as I met her eyes. "Ah, is that the look you've been going for? A princess?"

"Ye-es," she sang with a short hum.

"But you're already a princess to me," I leaned down and kissed her cheek again and again until she began giggling and pushing me away.

"Stop it, Dad," she laughed, her small hand touching my cheek. "You're embarrassing me."

I chuckled. "That's kind of my job, sweetheart. Now come," I picked her up. "Let's go see how much moola this dress is gonna cost me."

"Stop saying moola, Dad, it makes you sound like a cow."

I grinned. "One more comment like that and you don't get any more piggy back rides."

She let out a soft gasp. "Whaa—No! I'm sorry, Daddy," she wrapped her arms around my neck and leaned her head towards my shoulders as I carried her to the counter.

"You're forgiven," I laughed, carefully putting her down on the ground before looking up at the clerk, who stared back at me with wide eyes.

"Whoa, y-you're..."

"Justin Bieber?" I smiled. "Thanks for the reminder. I, too, sometimes forget my own name."

The clerk shot me a sheepish smile and scratched the back of his neck.

"Sorry, I just... Well my sister's a huge fan and she never stops talking about you. I remember her crying on the day she found out you were to have a child," he explained before taking a pause. "Tears of joy, that is. She was so happy, she couldn't believe it."

I laughed and examined the man in front of me. He looked young.

"Is she an older sister, or..?"

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