Ch. 29 - If You Give Me A Chance

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 ~ Chapter 29: If You Give Me A Chance  ~

[ Jackie’s POV: ]

I was still holding Justin tightly in my arms as he ran out of tears to shed. At one point, he had stopped crying but his body was shaking just as vigorously and he sniffed and whimpered every now and then. I, on the other hand, said nothing. I just kept my mouth shut and hugged him. He needs someone to be here for him and comfort him, and I’m being that person right now. The silence is best for him because the last thing he needs is for me to continue speaking stuff he may not want to hear right now. Just my presence is enough to comfort him and we both know it.

I don’t know how long we stood there, but quite frankly I didn’t really care. My idol needs me right now and I’m willing to do anything for this boy. I represent the entire Belieber fandom at this very moment.

After a while, I started thinking about how broken Justin is and it made my stomach churn so I began to count numbers in my head—just so I’d have something to distract myself with. It was when I had reached the number 56 that Justin wiped his eyes and pulled away from me. I released my hold on him and he leaned against the wall, looking at anything but me. It was quiet between the two of us and I kept my eyes on him, waiting to see when he’d build up the courage to look at me again.

“I’m sorry,” he whispered, his voice cracking. “I’m so sorry.”

With that, he took off down the hallway to what looked like he was heading towards his room. For a second, I froze.

It took a lot of work to get him to open up to me even this tiny bit. How can he just walk off and isolate himself again? I tried so hard to break off that wall around his heart, but I guess I only got a small chunk of it.

“Justin, wait,” I whined, then lowered my voice and muttered, “Don’t do this…”

I started to follow behind him and, luckily, I caught the door before he could slam it shut.

“Jackie, just… Just go,” he sobbed softly, tears in his eyes. “I don’t want you to see me like this.”

“You can be yourself with me,” I protested, pushing harder on the door to get it to open, but the fact that Justin was pushing it shut wasn’t helping. “You don’t have to be ashamed to cry, Justin. Everyone cries. Everyone!”

“S-Stop…” he whimpered weakly. I paused for a second, letting go of the door only to be surprised at the fact that he didn’t take it as an opportunity to slam it in my face. Instead, he too stopped pushing and just stood there, his head pressed against the door. We stayed put there in silence and after a while, Justin wiped his tears and looked up at me. “I appreciate your concern for me,” his voice was raspy, “But do yourself a favor…” He stood up straight and opened the door wide enough for him to step through. Just before he passed me, he whispered, “Don’t get your hopes up.”

I let out a shaky breath as he walked back to the living room. For a minute there, my body felt ten times heavier and I felt like I hadn’t slept for days.

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