Ch. 24 - Allegations

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 ~ Chapter 24: Allegations  ~

[ Alfredo’s POV: ]

The minute Justin burst through the door, the entire atmosphere of the hotel suite changed. I was laying down on the couch, were I had fallen asleep last night watching movies, and had woken up two hours ago. The silence in the room when I had woken up already let me know that Justin wasn’t home yet, and I didn’t have a doubt in my mind about it—even if there was a possibility he came back really late and crashed in his bedroom.

“Fredo!” He took one look at me and yelled my name, happiness surrounding his tone. I hadn’t seen him this happy since forever, and it didn’t even feel like genuine happiness.

“Justin?” I asked, starting to get concerned. Don’t get me wrong, only because Justin’s been down lately doesn’t mean it’s weird if he ever gets happy again… It’s just that something seems off.

“How are ya?” Justin skipped across the room and tackled me in a hug. I furrowed my eyebrows together and attempted to hug him back, taking in his scent. Except… it didn’t exactly smelled like his natural scent. It smelled like Justin’s scent combined with lots and lots of weed.

He reeked of weed.

“Justin?” I asked again, this time more serious. I took off the covers that had kept me warm all night and sat up. Justin took a seat next to me and he looked like a puppy wagging its tail for food. “What happened at that party?”

“I-It was fun, I met some great people, everyone had nicknames and Lil Twist even gave me one,” he chirped like a school girl, disturbing me in ways you don’t even understand. He’s definitely high, which worried me because I thought he’d never smoke again.

“Justin,” I sighed, “Listen to me—”

“Nah, nah, chill out, Fredo,” he smiled lightly. “Just go back to watching whatever you were watching. Here, I’ll join you. We’ll watch some movies and make up for that guy’s night we never got to have.” He wrapped an arm around me and forced me to lay down. “Relax, and I’ll go get some food for us.”

I opened my mouth to protest but ultimately decided against it. There was no use trying to talk some sense into him or lecture him while he’s under the influence of marijuana. It’s as pointless as trying to teach a newborn baby calculus and have them learn it perfectly. So, instead, I watched as he disappeared into the kitchen to fetch some snacks.

I guess the only good thing about this is that he’s actually calm and happy. He hasn’t been this relaxed in ages, but I’d like to see this side of him come out naturally without him having to smoke pot in order to achieve calmness.

“Popcorn?” he shouted from the kitchen, “Or candy?”

“Popcorn’s fine,” I called back, and he let out a loud laugh.

“Fredo, I don’t know how to pop corn. Do you pop it with a hammer?” he giggled.

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