Ch. 20 - Time Is Ticking

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~ Chapter 20: Time Is Ticking  ~

[ Justin’s POV: ]

I swallowed hard, continuing to hold my phone to my ear.

“Do you want to come over tonight?” Alicia broke the silence. “I want to spend more time together.”

I bit my lip and glanced at the clock, a sudden uneasiness overcoming me. My intestines felt as if they were tied tight into knots and I could feel my head pounding.

“I’m sorry,” I whispered. “I have to go.”

“What? Where are you going, babe?” curiosity rang in Alicia’s tone.

“San Diego,” I simply answered, and hung up the phone. I grabbed my jacket and quickly put it on, making sure I had my car keys. When I stepped outside into the fresh air, I noticed that even though the sun was shining, the day did not feel happy at all. There was this dark, solemn feeling surrounding me and I didn’t know how to avoid it.

Swinging my hoodie on, I rushed across the parking lot and quickly got inside my car. With the turn of the keys in the ignition, the vehicle roared to life and I felt my entire body become tense. Attempting to relax my shoulders, I let out a small sigh and looked at myself in the rear mirror. I closed my eyes, counted to three and opened them back up, pulling the car into the road as I prepared myself for the 2 hour-long ride.


[ Robin’s POV: ]

I sat on the steps of Jackie’s front porch and stared out into the street, my brain storming up ways to try and get Jackie out of bed. I couldn’t get inside the house but it didn’t mean I’d give up and continue to let my best friend torture herself. She did nothing wrong, so why does she think she’s the one that needs to be punished? I just don’t get it.

Sighing, I ran a hand through my hair and looked up, seeing a black car approach the sidewalk and park right up front. Confusion began to grow on me and I saw a person get out of the car and shut the door. The person began to walk towards the front yard and whoever they were, they were wearing a hoodie, but it didn’t take me long to figure it out.

“Justin?!” I asked in utter shock, standing up immediately as he approached the front door.

He wiped right under his right eye with his index finger and stuffed both hands into his pockets. “Where is she?” he sniffed.

Has he… Been crying?

“Whoa, are you okay? You don’t look so good,” I said in concern. The last thing I needed was to try to take care of two depressed people.

He ignored my question. “Is she inside?”

I'm Only Human (Justin Bieber Fanfic)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora