Chapter 35

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2 Days Later

"Sir......I...I cant take this client." Anika told her new boss.

"Ms. Chaturvedi, there were thousands of canditates for this position, but we hired you looking at your experience...and you are going to refuse your first client? Maybe you have forgotten that you are the employee & I am the boss, you have to do what I tell you." Her Boss said in a stern voice.

"Anika....dont be stupid, you need this job. You are the elder of the house, you cant leave all the responsibilities to Sahil & Meera." Anika thought to her self, "And its not like you are going just need to plan one wedding. Haan...its just one wedding. You need to be Professional."

"Ms. Chaturvedi?"

"Yes.....Ok sir, I will plan the Oberoi family wedding."


As Anika left the office, she sees Shivaay outside, leaning against his car.

"Shivaay? What are you doing here?" Anika asked in a surprised tone.

"I had hired a wedding planner from this company..." Shivaay replied, "So I just came to see, if she agreed or not."

" did all this?"

"Any doubt?" Shivaay said with a smirk.

"Who do you think you are? Like, I refused to come back to Oberoi Mansion so you do this?" Anika asked furiously, "But the thing is, Mr. Shivaay Singh Oberoi....things wont always go the way you want them to. I am going back and quiting this job....then you go and hire a different wedding planner okay?"

Anika turned to leave only for Shivaay to spin her back towards him.

"Mrs. Anika Shivaay Singh Oberoi," Shivaay said holding Anika's arm behind her back tightly, " I know you very well, I knew your reaction would be this when you found out that I did all this. Unfortunately it looks like you forgot what your husband can do....Khanna!"

Khanna got out of the car with some papers and placed them on Shivaay's free hand. Seeing him there, Anika struggled to get out of Shivaay's hold but he wasnt letting go. Khanna held in his laughter.

"Shivaay...what are you doing? Khannaji is laughing at us."

"Khanna....are you laughing?"

"Nahi...No sir." Khanna replied.

"Good...sit in the car." Shivaay said and Khanna sat back in the car.

"What is this?" Anika asked looking at the papers.

"This is a copy of the contract you signed before starting this job...see, this is your sign na?" Shivaay showed the paper to her. "The last clause of this contract says that if you leave this job before 3 months, the company can sue you."

"What?" Anika grabbed the papers, read it carefully & then threw it on the ground angrily. " are going to do this to me?"

"Trust me Anika....its the last thing I wanna do," Shivaay replied softly, "but you are so left me no other choice."

"Im not being stubborn...Im scared, scared that if I forgive you, you will do the same thing again. Im not 25 anymore Shivaay, this time if my heart breaks...I...I w-wont be a-able to bear it." Anika's voice cracked as she teared up.

"I broke your heart na? I will be the one to fix it. I will win your love & trust again."Shivaay said looking at Anika. As he finally let go, Anika started to leave. "Anika...sit in the car, Ill drop you home."

𝗗𝗶𝗹 𝗞𝗲 𝗥𝗶𝘀𝗵𝘁𝗲𝘆(𝗜𝘀𝗵𝗾𝗯𝗮𝗮𝘇 𝗙𝗙)Where stories live. Discover now