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The next day Hinata got up, took a shower, brushed his teeth, got dressed, i̶s̶u̶l̶t̶e̶d̶ had a "friendly" chat with Tsukishima, went to class, avoided Bokuto and anyone associated with him, ate lunch with Ms.Woodwair (which was very pleasant), went to his final two classes for the day, go back to the dorms, ignore Tsukishima, had dinner, took a shower, binged cringey rom-coms with Mocha, went to sleep, woke up, and did it all over again.

This exact routine repeated for exactly two months before Akaashi was finally able to corner him in one of the more desolate school hallways during lunch. Honestly, Hinata knew he couldn't avoid them forever, but he was hoping he could go until his second year and they would give up. But nope. They some persistent bitches. "What." Hinata demanded, tapping his foot as if the ravenette was wasting his time. Akaashi took a deep breath. "Why have you been avoiding us?"

"I'm not "avoiding" you. I'm just merely going the opposite way as soon as I see you coming my exact direction,"Akaashi deadpanned, "And I just happen to start running."

Akaashi blinked, face indifferent. "Look, if that's it then I'm going." Hinata said as he started walking away. Akaashi just stood there, arms crossed.

'Are you really going to let him go that easily?'

"Bokuto misses you." Hinata stopped. "He complains to everyday about you won't talk to him, how you won't look him in the eye or even spare him a glance." Hinata could hear footsteps but he didn't run this time. "He misses his friend." The ginger flinched when he heard that, clenching his fist. Looking over his shoulder, surprise sketched into his features. Akaashi was smiling. A genuine smile. There was no ill intent or even a hint of trickery. His eyes soft and gentle. Something about them made him think back. To times when he was truly happy.

"Hoi! I'm Izumi, and this is Koji! And you are?"

"Wow nii-san! You amazing!"

"Perfect grades once again Hinata-san. I'm proud."

"Yeah I made you something to eat, you are my child after all."

"Your beautiful, you know that?"

Warmness spread through his heart. As warm and tender as the sun. It felt...peaceful. "I..." he didn't know what to say. Can he even say anything in this situation?? He turned away, only to just notice the rising heat to his cheeks, "Whatever. Just leave me alone baka.." Akaashi just chuckled. "Okay Hinata-san."

Where is it.

Hinata couldn't find any hidden intent. "Oh, and just so you know, it's not only Bokuto that misses you..I do as well, even though we haven't known eachother for long." Akaashi said before leaving. Hinata gulped, hand over heart. 'What the hell? What the fuck? What is this feeling? Why am I feeling it? Am I dying? Feels like I'm dying.' A million things zoomed through Hinata's head, his mind in an absolute frenzy.

"What the fuck?" Confusion laced his voice.

"What the fuck?" He repeated. He started chanting it as he started walking to his final class. And he kept repeating it in his head as if he was expecting someone, anyone, to answer.



Hinata stared at his ceiling in confused and bummed silence.

Mocha noticed the ginger's sad mood so she decided to do something about it.

By swatting him on the nose with her paw. "Hey," he said, sitting up, "what was that for?" Mocha looked at him as if he was the stupidest person alive.

"No." Hinata said, laying back down.

Mocha yowled as if say "Are you kidding me?"

Hinata glared at her. "I'm just don't want to."

'You've been say that for the past two and a half months.' Mocha thought to herself. Oh how she wishes humans could understand her.

Mocha meowed before curling next to Hinata and falling asleep.

He sighed as he looked back up at the ceiling.

Calm. That's what the atmosphere was.


"He misses his friend."


"...it's not just Bokuto that's misses you, I do as well..."


A genuine smile.

"....Maybe I will talk to them."

【𝐓𝐑𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝐈𝐒𝐒𝐔𝐄𝐒】[DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now