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"Oh, fuck me," Hinata muttered with exasperation. But apparently the male beside him heard him, "I mean, if you insist–"

"That's not what I meant and you know it." The blonde laughed, raising his hands in surrender. Terushima Yūji, a flirty senior who wouldn't leave him alone in highschool. Not that he exactly minded, other than Izumi and Koji, he was apart of the ginger very close friend circle.

"So, how have you been holding up, sweetheart?" Ignoring the nickname, Hinata rolled his eyes. "Had a crises, a few panic attacks, life's horrible, and I want to fucking die, how about you?" Terushima chuckled, leaning down to Hinata's height.

"I've been doing fine. Joined a small band, we're starting to make a name for ourselves. Maybe you would like to meet them sometime?" Hinata hummed, allowing a small smile to grace his face. "Maybe.

They continued to talk and laugh about their highschool days. Been awhile since he's laughed like this.

"Anyway, I should get going, school." Hinata said abruptly, jerking his thumb at the large building. Terushima nodded, understanding.

And as Hinata walked through the gates, he was almost certain he heard a small, shy-sounding, "i really missed you" but it must've been his imagination because when he look back to confirm it, the slicked-back blonde was gone.


Hinata stared at the multiple people having a party of some kind in his room. All of which his recognized.

What the hell?

It seems he said that aloud because all heads turned to him. "HINATA-SAAAAAAAAA–" Bokuto cry-yelled as he tackled the smaller to the ground, fat, almost comedic, tears rolled down his face. His face was flush and he was slurring his words.

"Are you fucking drunk?"


Hinata wanted to facepalm at the older's stupidity. Bokuto kept squeezing onto him. And apparently, since Hinata didn't push him off, others took it as a sign to join in.

Despite Hinata's very loud protests.

In the end, Hinata ended up getting bear-hugged by a lot of people, some cried, they sorta talked, and it's Sugawara's fault.

(What should Terushima's band name be? For reference, Nishinoya and Tanaka are in it.)

【𝐓𝐑𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝐈𝐒𝐒𝐔𝐄𝐒】[DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now