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Hinata ignored the endless blabbering of Bokuto as they made their way into the locker room. The boys turned their heads towards them, eyes widening. "Haven't seen you in a while Hinata-san." One said, smiling at the boy. Hinata just gave him a nod.

"Yeah, Kotaro's been real lonely without you here." Another teased, and soon, almost everyone was in on this gag. Bokuto was a blushing mess. Hinata was just confused. "N-No! No! I j-just..." Bokuto's voice trailed off.

"Just what?" Hinata finally spoke, fully dressed in his gym clothes.

"Uh-uhmm..." Hinata shrugged, walking away.

Bokuto then proceeded to blow up in everyone else's face.


"Today we're doing team excersises."

Bokuto nervously figited, looking in between the girl who was he previous partner (he couldn't be bothered to learn her name) and Hinata. The ginger didn't seem to mind her, or rather, acknowledge the girl's presence at all.

"First up, sit-ups."

Everyone collectively groaned. Bokuto's eyes shifted to Hinata once more.

Was he usually that calm? Then towards the girl. She seemed more..angry? Sure, let's go with that. More angry than usual.

"Now partner up," Hinata raised his hand, "Yes?"

"What do we do with her?" He asked, pointing at the brunette.

Shiroma's flicked to the girl, then back to Hinata. "It's an odd number of students, so she'll have to stay with you for a bit."

The younger nodded, satisfied with the answer.

Now Bokuto was worried. Usually the ginger would make some sort of remark or atleast glare back.

But no. He's just standing there, with an indifferent look.


"–and twenty. Now onto pushups." Hinata said as Bokuto finished his round of sit-ups. The silver-haired male nodded. It seems he had nothing to worry about–

"You look stupid." He spoke too soon.

"Hm?" They turned towards the girl, who seemed to only glare harder at the orangette. "Why the hell does your hair look like that? Are trying to imitate an orange? And that scar of yours, disgusting!" She snickered. Now everyone has stopped what they were doing to watch.

"And are you trying to imitate a shithead?" Hinata growled, hair casting an overshadow for his eyes. The girl flinched back, "Listen whatever your name is, I don't know what your deal is with me," he got real close to her and grabbed her collar, "But glare at me one more time bitch," he smirked, "And there will be fucking concequences." She blinked, beads of sweat rolling down her forehead.

Bokuto just tried his best to ignore it.

"Is there a problem here?" Shiroma asked.

Hinata side-eyed him, dropping the girl, letting her fall to the floor.

"No sir."

The teacher took his word for it even though he watched the whole thing go down.

"Suzuki, do you mind sitting the rest of the class out?"



"...Yes sir."

【𝐓𝐑𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝐈𝐒𝐒𝐔𝐄𝐒】[DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now