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"So..?" Lisa uttered quietly from the other side of the line. "He said he needs three more days.." Sugawara replied. The redette groaned of worry. Ever since the ginger disappeared, she had been fretting whether her so–student, student had been alright.

"Who is he staying with?" She asked.

"From what I can tell, his sobufo.." Sugawara answered. There was a long silence over the other side. "Lisa-sama?"

"Thank you, Suga-kun. Do you need someone to pick you up?"

"Nah. I want to look around my hometown for a bit. Maybe visit my parents."

Lisa smiled, "Okay." Then she hung up. Sugawara stared at the phone longingly, then looked back at the direction were Hinata was. He glanced back at the phone, realizing that he subconsciously pressed his contacts app. Scrolling through, he pressed on his second to last contact.

"Hello?" Answered a deep voice.

"Hey, Ushijima. Is Tendou available? I need his advice for something."


Lisa paced back and forth, biting at her nails. Her husband and kids stared at her worriedly. "Honey?" Her husband, Benjamin, called to his wife. She didn't hear him, too deep into her thoughts. He turned to his youngest, "Oliver?" The little boy nodded.

"Mommy! There's a spider on you!" The woman reacted immediately, jumping around and yelling "what?! where?!" - "get it off!" with a few cursed here and there.

Benjamin grabbed her by the shoulder. "Honey, there no spider. We were just trying to get your attention." He chuckled as Lisa sighed. She did not like spiders.

"Oh, thank god." She said, but she didn't look completely relieved. Benjamin frowned, "Is everything okay?"

Their eldest, Liam, spoke up, "Is it about that star student you keep talking about?"

"I-Well...yes." Lisa admitted. She and her husband sat down at the table. Liam picked at his food with his fork, "I don't know why you're so worried about him.." he uttered quietly. But Lisa heard him just fine.

"I worry about all my students."

"More than your children?"

"Of course not."

"Then why do you talk about him every single day?"

Benjamin and Oliver looked at eachother. This is getting bad, fast.

"Because, he is my star student. I–Just– why are being so stingy?" Liam flashed her a glare.

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe when you started caring about some random student more than your family!"

"I never said I care about him more than any of you! I just said I was worried for my top student that randomly vanished for two goddamn days! Why is that such a problem that I'm worried?!" Lisa slammed her hands on the table, tears pricking her eyes.

"It's a problem when you treat that student like you did William!"

It fell silent. William, it was a name that they wordlessly agreed to never speak of, for it only brought bad memories. Lisa took her time processing her son's words. While she did that, Liam picked up his little brother. "Come on, Oliver. I'll play guitar for you." The two red-heads left the kitchen.

Lisa flopped down onto her chair, her husband rubbing comforting circles into her back. "Honey...?" Lisa looked up, tears threatening to spill. Benjamin sighed, hugging his wife tightly.

"It'll be okay. I'm sure of it." Without another word, Lisa leaned into her husband warm touch, she really needed this.

But she can only think of someone else who needed it more than she did.

【𝐓𝐑𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝐈𝐒𝐒𝐔𝐄𝐒】[DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now