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"Have you heard about the Spring Dance the school's doing?" Eito said, looking up from his text book, a smile on his face. The rest of them looked up from their work, with the exception of a Hinata, who continued but still listened. "Spring Dance? Aren't we in college?" The boy, who's name is Kishimoto Ren, complained. And Hinata agreed, they aren't in highschool anymore, besides, what do they think they'll do at this dance? Socialize?

"Yeah, but they're doing it to give the students a break since exams are coming up in a few months." The girl, Shira Kumiko, responded. "I also heard that you can bring a plus one as your date." She added, giving a quick glance at Hinata, who did seem to notice since he was too busy trying to get some extra credit assignments done. Akaashi also spared him a glance, which just turned into staring, but he realized what he was doing and looked away.

"Oh?" Eito's gaze directed to Kizumi. Only then, did Hinata look up. He gave him a glare that said, "stay away unless you want to die," Hinata doesn't know what he game is, but he's not letting the redette anywhere near the blonde girl. She doesn't deserve to have her heart broken.

So maybe he's a bit protective, so what? He has good reason to be.

"So Hinata-kun, do plan on asking anyone out?" Kuroo asked, occasionally glancing at Bokuto and Akaashi.

"Nope. I don't really dance and I don't like large crowds or events. So I'm probably just gonna chill in my dorm." Bokuto nearly deflated at hearing that. Kuroo hummed, before turning to Eito. "And when is this so called dance?" He inquired.

Eito blinked, "A week from now."

"So the 15th?" Akaashi muttered to himself. It was silent for moment before the rooster head stood up. "Where are you going?" Shira asked.

"Back to my dorm, I gotta make sure Oikawa did burn something." Kuroo cringed at the memory. The guy somehow managed to put himself in a hospital by trying to make ramen. He didn't even get a chance to put the noodles in the water! Bokuto cringed as well, he almost died because of that experience. Akaashi had no idea what he was talking about.

Everyone said their goodbyes, then Kuroo left.

Soon after, everyone left, until it was just Hinata and Eito.

The taller sat nervously, confused. "Aren't you going to leave?"


"And why not?"

"Because we haven't studied a single thing that on your test."

Eito groaned. "You did want to actually study, did you?"

"No. I just wanted to get Kizumi here and the only way I could do that is if I invite you.."

Hinata tched. "Fucking dumbass." He sighed, taking out a calculus book. Eito looked at it, then at him. "What's that for?"

Hinata smirked, "Your test, we're gonna go all night if that's what it takes." That smile on his face is deceiving.

"How do you even know what my test is about?!"

"We're both have to same calculus teacher, I have to take it too. But unlike you, I actually studied."

Eito groaned. He did not think this through. He wasn't always-scratch that, he was never the smartest when it came to making up devious plans. That was Hinata's thing.

"Now, you going to pay attention to everything I say. If you get distracted, I will hit you," he looks a bit too hopeful about that, "No bathroom breaks, no snack breaks, or breaks of any kind."

Eito whined, tears in his eyes.

This was going to be the worst night of his life.

【𝐓𝐑𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝐈𝐒𝐒𝐔𝐄𝐒】[DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now